Vacancies at ELTA- ELSE Department Grant – Department of Decision Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Programme (AHEAD)

Request for Expressions of Interest for Consultancy on

  • Course Material Designing & Developing for English Courses
  • Course Material Moderation for English Courses



The Government of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.

The AHEAD Operation of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, requests Expression of Interest from interested parties for the above consultancies. under the ELTA/ELSE Department Grant (Department of Decision Sciences).

  • Consultancy on Course Material Designing & Developing for

English Courses


B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) degree offered by the Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura molds students into thriving Operations and Technology managers with excellent problem solving skills, analytical thinking, communication and the implementation of cutting edge management principles and technologies. Other than the theoretical knowledge, in order to succeed in the world of work it is essential for them to upgrade their skills in using English Language effectively in their career related matters. With this aim, the degree programme has included three compulsory courses on Business Communication (Refer the Annexure for course description).

In order to further enhance their skills in English Language, under the AHEAD project Activity 5, the Department of Decision Sciences has proposed to introduced three compulsory non-credit courses. Therefore, the objective of the consultancy is to develop all the material that form the curriculum of the; (i) Academic Writing (ii) Spoken English (iii) Professional communication course/s tailored for the undergraduates who are reading for the B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) degree at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


The scope of the consultancy work includes;

2.1  Developing the course specification of the Academic Writing, Spoken English, and Professional Communication course/s along with the course delivery methods, teaching guidelines, class room activities, and continuous assessments.

2.2   Designing and writing the student course manual of the Academic Writing, Spoken English, and Professional English course/s.

2.3   Developing student evaluation criteria of each course and each continuous assessment.


Course/ Each of the course is none-credit compulsory course. There will be maximum of thirteen sessions for the course/ each course and duration of each session is two hours. The course/s will be evaluated completely based on continuous assessments. The course material should be developed as per the course specifications mentioned in the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework.



The Course Manuals should be submitted to the Project/Activity Coordinator of the AHEAD ELTA/ ELSE Department DP.

The main duties and responsibilities of the consultant will be to:

Key Task Required Deliverable Time frame (after signing the contract)
Developing the course specification Course Description, Course Learning Outcomes, Session Plan, Delivery Methods, Class Room Activities, Continuous Assessments, Evaluation Criteria 30th October

2019 to 30th June 2020

Designing and writing the student course manual and lecturers’ guide  book Complete Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book 30th June 2020
  • Drafted Course Specification/ Course Manual/ Lecturers’ Guide Book in soft and hard form should be first submitted to the moderator and after addressing the comments next should be submitted to the Curriculum Development Committee of the Faculty.
  • Final submission of the Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book in soft and hard form should be submitted within two months of the receipt of reviewer’s comments.

The review process is specified as below;

Firstly, the draft version of the Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book will be moderated by

the consultant appointed to moderate the Course Manual

Secondly, the draft version will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Curriculum

Development  Committee of the Faculty. The review is aimed to check for compliance

with the format and the alignment with the developed course specification.

Thirdly, final version of the Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book incorporating these

suggestions and comments should be first submitted to the moderator and then to the

review committee for final recommendation.

Finally, the review committee recommended Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book should

be approved by the Curriculum Development Committee and the Faculty board before

printing/ distributing/ uploading to the LMS.


The expected duration of the assignment is 08 months commencing from the date of signing the contract (30th October 2019 to 30th June 2020).


The consultant shall closely coordinate and report to the Project/Activity Coordinator of the AHEAD Project, Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Progress of the work needs to be reported to the Project Coordinator at the end of each month to the Project/Activity Coordinator.

  1. BUDGET:

Designing and developing a Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book for one Subject –

Rs. 150,000.00. Total contract value for all three course units Rs. 450,000.


The schedule of the payments is specified below:

10% of the total value will be paid after signing the contact.

50% of the total value will be paid after submission of the drafts versions of the Course Manual/ Lecturers’ guide book.

40% of the total value will be paid on the acceptance of the Final Version of the Course Manual/ Lecturers’ guide book by the Curriculum Development Committee and the Faculty Board.


* A degree in English Language/ English Language Teaching OR equivalent qualifications

* Minimum 5 years of professional experience in teaching English to undergraduates

* Prior experience in writing course material for English language courses

* Knowledge in the area of Operations and Technology Management will be an added advantage


* Ability to confine to the time framework provided and deliver the outcomes on time

* Flexibility and ability to adjust to changing circumstances

* Professionalism and ability to work closely with the project team


This assignment is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education via AHEAD-OMST under the program component of AHEAD. As such, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura shall be the owner of the assignment and will reserves the Intellectual Property Rights for all deliverable of the assignment under the terms and conditions given in the IP policy of the University. The Consultant will have no right of claim to the assignment or its outputs once it is completed and no rights to use Data and Information gathered through the assignment for other purposes without written permission from the Vice Chancellor. Any Reports/ Data/ Information produced as a part of this assignment shall be handed over to the Client in soft and hard forms.


BCC 1340: Business Communication I

Course Description

This course aims to help students to recognize and use the basic rules of the English Language. It teaches students to construct both simple and complex sentences accurately; use punctuation marks appropriately in writing; ask for and give opinions in brief discussions and telephone conversations; take down notes/information from auditory texts; read and understand the main ideas in paragraphs; read and extract information in texts for a variety of purposes; write simple summaries, unified paragraphs, and business letters; and use language in meaningful communicative contexts.

BCC 1341: Business Communication II

Course Description

This course introduces the students to language skills required in different business situations. It trains students to participate in business meetings confidently and effectively, communicate effectively in a variety of situations, take down notes from auditory texts, read and respond to texts for a variety of purposes, develop longer, complex texts such as essays and reports, write business letters and use presentation techniques effectively and make brief presentations.

BCC 2340: Business Communication III

Course Description

BCC 2340: Business Communication III is an innovative task-based business English course. This course has been prepared with the intention of helping the students to develop their communication skills and business skills further so that they can use English for business communication confidently and effectively. Students will be working most of the time in pairs or in small groups. This will provide them with the opportunities to develop the soft skills of business such as team work, interpersonal skills, taking responsibilities, making decisions etc. Throughout the course the students are encouraged to be active, creative participants in the class and outside the class unlike in other classes where they passively receive knowledge.

(ii) Consultancy on Course Material Moderation for English Courses:


B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) degree offered by the Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura molds students into thriving Operations and Technology managers with excellent problem solving skills, analytical thinking, communication and the implementation of cutting edge management principles and technologies. Other than the theoretical knowledge, in order to succeed in the world of work it is essential for them to upgrade their skills in using English Language effectively in their career related matters. With this aim, the degree programme has included three compulsory courses on Business Communication (Refer the Annexure for course description).

In order to further enhance their skills in English Language, under the AHEAD project Activity 5, the Department of Decision Sciences has proposed to introduced three compulsory non-credit courses. Therefore, the objective of the consultancy is to develop all the material that form the curriculum of the; (i) Academic Writing (ii) Spoken English (iii) Professional communication course/s tailored for the undergraduates who are reading for the B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) degree at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


The scope of the consultancy work includes;

2.1   Moderate the Course Manuals and lecturers’ guidebook/s designed and developed by an external consultant for the B.Sc. Operations and Technology Management (Special) degree of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

2.2    Work in collaboration with the course manual/s and lecturers’ guidebook/s developer and produce camera ready copies of the Course Manual/s.

Course/ Each of the course is none-credit compulsory course. There will be maximum of thirteen sessions for the course/ each course and duration of each session is two hours. The course/s will be evaluated completely based on continuous assessments. The course material should be thoroughly moderated and proof read. The moderator should also check if the Course Manuals are as per the course specifications mentioned in the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework.


The Course Manuals should be submitted to the Project/Activity Coordinator of the AHEAD ELTA/ ELSE Department DP.


Key Task  

Required Deliverable

Time frame (after signing the contract)
Moderating the developed course specification Moderated version of Course description, Course learning outcomes, Session plan, Delivery methods, Class room activities, Continuous assessments, Evaluation criteria 30th October
2019 to 30th June 2020
Moderating the designed and developed course manual & lecturers’ guidebook Completely moderated course manual & lecturers’ guidebook 30th June 2020

The review process is specified as below;
Firstly, the draft version of the Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book will be moderated by
the consultant appointed to moderate the Course Manual.
Secondly, the draft version will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Curriculum
Development Committee of the Faculty. The review is aimed to check for compliance
with the format and the alignment with the developed course specification.
Thirdly, final version of the Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book incorporating these suggestions and comments should be first submitted to the moderator and then to the review committee for final recommendation.

Finally, the review committee recommended Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book should be approved by the Curriculum Development Committee and the Faculty board before printing/ distributing/ uploading to the LMS.


The expected duration of the assignment is 08 months commencing from the date of signing the contract (30th October 2019 to 30th June 2020).


The consultant shall closely coordinate and report to the Project/Activity Coordinator of the AHEAD Project, Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Progress of the work needs to be reported to the Project Coordinator at the end of each month to the Project/Activity Coordinator.


Moderating a Course Manual and Lecturers’ Guide Book for one subject – Rs. 50,000.00. Total contract value for three course manuals – Rs. 150,000.


The schedule of the payments is specified below:
10% of the total value will be paid after signing the contact.
50% of the total value will be paid after submission of the drafts versions of the Course Manual/ Lecturers’ guide book.
40% of the total value will be paid on the acceptance of the Final Version of the Course Manual/ Lecturers’ guide book by the Curriculum Development Committee and the Faculty Board.


A degree in English Language/ English Language Teaching OR equivalent qualifications

Minimum 5 years of professional experience in teaching English to undergraduates
Prior experience in writing course material for English language courses
Knowledge in the area of Operations and Technology Management will be an added advantage


Ability to confine to the time framework provided and deliver the outcomes on time

Flexibility and ability to adjust to changing circumstances

Professionalism and ability to work closely with the project team


This assignment is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education via AHEAD-OMST under the program component of AHEAD. As such, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura shall be the owner of the assignment and will reserves the Intellectual Property Rights for all deliverable of the assignment under the terms and conditions given in the IP policy of the University. The Consultant will have no right of claim to the assignment or its outputs once it is completed and no rights to use Data and Information gathered through the assignment for other purposes without written permission from the Vice Chancellor. Any Reports/ Data/ Information produced as a part of this assignment shall be handed over to the Client in soft and hard forms.


BCC 1340: Business Communication I

Course Description

This course aims to help students to recognize and use the basic rules of the English Language. It teaches students to construct both simple and complex sentences accurately; use punctuation marks appropriately in writing; ask for and give opinions in brief discussions and telephone conversations; take down notes/information from auditory texts; read and understand the main ideas in paragraphs; read and extract information in texts for a variety of purposes; write simple summaries, unified paragraphs, and business letters; and use language in meaningful communicative contexts.

BCC 1341: Business Communication II

Course Description

This course introduces the students to language skills required in different business situations. It trains students to participate in business meetings confidently and effectively, communicate effectively in a variety of situations, take down notes from auditory texts, read and respond to texts for a variety of purposes, develop longer, complex texts such as essays and reports, write business letters and use presentation techniques effectively and make brief presentations.

BCC 2340: Business Communication III

Course Description

BCC 2340: Business Communication III is an innovative task-based business English course. This course has been prepared with the intention of helping the students to develop their communication skills and business skills further so that they can use English for business communication confidently and effectively. Students will be working most of the time in pairs or in small groups. This will provide them with the opportunities to develop the soft skills of business such as team work, interpersonal skills, taking responsibilities, making decisions etc. Throughout the course the students are encouraged to be active, creative participants in the class and outside the class unlike in other classes where they passively receive knowledge.


The Consultancy Procurement Committee on behalf of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services.  Interested individuals must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services along with the work schedule for this consultancy (curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, and similar conditions, etc.).   Interested individuals  could indicate their interest either for both consultancies or one of these.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government of Sri Lanka’s Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants-2007.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the Deputy Director/ Procurement (OTS), AHEAD Operation, 1st Floor, Vice Chancellor’s Lodge, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 2.30 p.m. of 30.10.2019.

Dr. W.G.S.Kelum
AHEAD Operation

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