Request for Expressions of Interest for Consultancy on Developing and Designing New English Language Course Manuals for Geography Students


Request for Expressions of Interest for Consultancy on Developing and Designing New English Language Course Manuals for Geography Students




The Government of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.

The AHEAD Operation of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, requests Expression of Interest from interested parties for the above consultancy, under the ELTA/ELSE Department Grant (Department of Geography).

  1. Background

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) funded by the World Bank mainly focuses on expanding, diversifying and developing the higher education sector in Sri Lanka to produce graduates of global quality who fit into the contemporary demand generated by the modern world. Among the three results areas of the AHEAD program, the Enriching Learning, Teaching, Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELTA-ELSE) DP which has two main components viz. academic and socio-emotional skills development and enhancement of English language skills aims at improving the quality of higher education. To achieve these targets, improving the subject related English knowledge of the graduates is essential.

The ELTA component of the DP seeks to enhance the subject related English language of the undergraduates through a meaningful integration of subject related English courses into the curriculum of the honors degree program of the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Department of Geography intends to include four subject specific English courses into its existing curricula comprising one course into each semester of second and third years. Each course will include a few selected lessons which are related to the courses of each. The need of introducing such courses rose due to many reasons including the scarcity of subject related and terminological knowledge of the students especially in Sinhala medium. To eliminate this main issue, there is a persistent need to incorporate some subject specific English courses into the existing curriculum of the Department of Geography.

  1. Objectives of Developing Course Manuals for Subject Specific English Courses

In order to achieve the identified gaps related to the subject specific English knowledge of the undergraduates, the department proposal proposed an activity “the development of English language skills of the students” as its fourth activity. Activity 1.1 is to introduce four subject specific English course units to the second and third year students in the department. Since these course units will newly be introduced it is necessary to prepare four course manuals which are subject specific. Since there is a dearth no expertise knowledge in the department to prepare related course manuals, the department seeks to get an expertise service from the outside. The objectives of this contract are to relating to;

  • Design and development of four subject specific course manuals for second and third year students of the department of geography,
  • Review the prepared course manuals and
  • Edit and finalize related manuals in line with the suggestions of the reviewers.


  1. Scope and Coverage of the Manuals

Manuals must be developed according to the guidelines and requirements of the department of geography. Selected texts which are related to the different course supposed to be taught in each semester of the second and third years need to be incorporated into the course manuals. Related guidelines will be provided by the lecturer in charge/s when and where necessary. During the time in which the manuals are designed, developed and finalized it is necessary to have a few meetings with relevant lecturers of the department and the reviewers.

  1. Submission Procedure

Initial drafts of the manuals should be submitted to the activity coordinator of the AHEAD ELTA ELSE of the department of geography in accordance with the following schedule.

4.1 Draft proposal need to be submitted within 15 working days from the date of signing the contract.

4.2 Draft of developed course specifications in soft and hard versions should be submitted after 20 working days from the date of approving the proposal to the activity coordinator to submit the head of the department, relevant lecturers in charge and the curriculum development committee of the faculty.

4.3 First draft of the manuals in soft and hard versions should be submitted within four months from the date of signing the contract to submit the relevant lecturers in charge and reviewers and the curriculum development committee of the faculty. These manuals can be submitted according to the order of completion. Once, a manual/s is submitted each is forwarded to the reviewer/s for the reviewing process.

4.4 Final submission after amending the manual following the receipt of reviewer’s input, in soft and hard versions should be submitted to the activity coordinator within two months of receipt of reviewer’s’ comments.

  1. Review Mechanism

The review process is specified as below

5.1 Firstly, the draft versions will be reviewed by the committee appointed by the department of geography. This review is aimed to check for compliance with the format and the alignment with the developed course specification.

5.2 Secondly, the next version of the manuals incorporating these suggestions and comments should be submitted to the review committee for final recommendation.

5.3 Finally, the review committee recommended manual should be approved by the head of the department, curriculum development committee and the faculty board before printing, distribution/uploading to the LMS.

  1. Payments and Payments Conditions

The schedule of the payments is specified below.

6.1 10% of the total value will be paid after signing the contract

6.2 10% of the total value will be paid after submission of the proposal, drafts versions of the course specifications.

6.3 30% of the total value will be paid after submission of the first draft of all four courses.

6.4 50% of the total value will be paid on the acceptance of the Final Version of Course Manual by curriculum development committee and the Faculty Board.

  1. Duration of the consultancy

The expected duration of the assignment is seven months (07) commencing from the date of signing the contract.

  1. Budget

Proposal writing, development of course specifications and manual writing – Rs. 350,000.00

  1. Coordinator of the Assignment

Mrs. H.M.B.S.Herath, Activity Coordinator – Activity 4 – AHEAD ELTA ELSE – Department of Geography.

  1. Ownership of the Manual

Department of Geography

  1. Application and particulars :

The Consultancy Procurement Committee on behalf of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services.  Interested individuals must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services along with the work schedule for this consultancy (curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, and similar conditions, etc.).   Interested individuals  could indicate their interest for the consultancy.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government of Sri Lanka’s Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants-2007.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the Deputy Director/ Procurement (OTS), AHEAD Operation, 1st Floor, Vice Chancellor’s Lodge, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 2.30 p.m. of 28.02.2020.


Dr. W.G.S.Kelum
AHEAD Operation



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