The University of Sri Jayewardenepura invites applications from prospective candidates for vacancies as indicated below.
The Bursar of the University is a full time officer at the University and is responsible for the administration of the finance of the University under the Direction and Control of the Registrar and would be the custodian of the funds of the University. He/ She shall exercise, perform and discharge such power, duties and functions as specified in the University Act. No. 16 of 1978 as amended.
Qualifications :
1. (A) Should possess the Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CASL)or its equivalent;
(B) Should possess at least six (06) years of experience in accounting and/ or auditing in an executive capacity after acquiring the qualification at 1(a) above.
2. A holder of the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor in the University Grants Commission or Higher Educational Institution/ Institute with the following ;
• Confirmed in that post with three (03) years of satisfactory service in that post of which one (01) year should be after acquiring the qualification at 1(a) above.
3. A holder of the post of Senior Assistant Accountant/ Senior Assistant Bursar/ Senior Assistant Internal Auditor in the University Grants Commission or Higher Educational Institution/ Institute with all of the following ;
• Confirmed in that post with ten (10) years of experience in accounting and/ or auditing in an executive capacity ;
• At least eight (08) years of satisfactory service of above ten (10) years should be in the post of Senior Assistant Accountant/ Senior Assistant Bursar/ Senior Assistant Internal Auditor in the University System ;
• Three (03) years of above eight (08) years of experience should be after acquiring the qualification at 1(a) above.
4. A holder of the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor in the University Grants Commission Higher Educational Institution/ Institute with all of the following ;
• Confirmed in that post ;
• Possess Intermediate qualification of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CASL) or its equivalent ;
• Possess a Masters’ Degree in Accountancy/ Finance/ Management* from a recognized University/ HEI ;
• Twelve (12) years of experience in accounting and/ or auditing in an executive capacity after successful completion of the Intermediate qualification of the CASL or its equivalent ;
• Ten (10) years of above experience should be in the post of Senior Assistant Accountant/ Senior Assistant Bursar/ Senior Assistant Internal Auditor or above in the University System.
5. A holder of the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor in the University Grants Commission/ Higher Educational Institution/ Institute with all of the following ;
• Confirmed in that post with three (03) years of satisfactory service in that post ;
• Possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/ HEI ;
• Possess Intermediate qualification of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CASL) or its equivalent
Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA) conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) or its predecessor ;
• Fourteen (14) years of experience in accounting and/ or auditing in an executive capacity after obtaining the Intermediate qualification/ HNDA stated above ;
• At least five (05) years of such experience should be in the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor and/ or in the post of Senior Assistant Accountant/ Senior Assistant Bursar/ Senior Assistant Internal Auditor in the University system carrying the salary scale denoted by salary code U-EX 2(I)
6. A holder of the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor in the University Grants Commission/ Higher Educational Institution/ Institute with all of the following ;
• Confirmed in that post ;
• Possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/ HEI
The Intermediate qualification of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CASL) or its equivalent.
Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA) conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) or its predecessor ;
• Not less than eighteen (18) years of experience in accounting and/ or auditing in the University system ;
• Three (03) years of above experience should be in the post of Deputy Accountant/ Deputy Bursar/ Deputy Internal Auditor in the University System.
7. A holder of the post of Accountant Grade II of the Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service with the following;
• Should possess the Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CASL) or its equivalent ;
Master’s Degree in Accountancy/ Finance/ Management* from a recognized University/ HEI
Note : ‘Accounting and/or Auditing’ experience means, experience gained in an executive capacity in Accounting and/ or Auditing in a State or Reputed Private Sector Organization.
*Term ‘Management’ means a Degree in Management/ public Administration/ Business Administration with major component in Accounting and Finance.
Age : Not more than 45 years (This age limit will not apply to employees of Government Departments/ Corporations/ Statutory Bodies/ Higher Educational Institutions).
Salary Scales: U-EX 3 (II)
From 01.01.2017-Rs. 65,439-7×1,438, 11X1,794 -95,239 p.m.
From 01.01.2018-Rs. 74,236-7×1,632, 11×2,036 -108,056 p.m.
From 01.01.2019-Rs. 83,033-7×1,826, 11×2,278 -120,873 p.m.
From 01.01.2020-Rs. 91,830-1×2,020, 11×2,520 -133,690 p.m.
The other allowances determined by the University Grants Commission will be paid in addition to the above salary.
In Addition,
Transport will be provided from residence to work place in accordance with University Grants Commission regulation.
Qualifications :
1. B.Sc. (Eng.) degree specialization in Civil Engineering
B.Sc. degree specialization in Quantity Surveying
Equivalent professional qualifications
2. Corporate membership of a recognized Engineering Institute
Corporate membership of a recognized Quantity Surveying
3. A minimum of 10 years relevant experience in construction projects, handling contracts as well as managing direct labour.
Salary Scales: U-EX 2 (II)
From 01.01.2017-Rs. 46,131-8 x883, 8X1,082 -61,851 p.m.
From 01.01.2018-Rs. 52,324-8×1,002, 8×1,228-70,164 p.m.
From 01.01.2019-Rs. 58,517-8×1,121, 8×1,374 -78,477 p.m.
From 01.01.2020-Rs. 64,710-8×1,240, 8×1,520 -86,790 p.m.
The other allowances determined by the University Grants Commission will be paid in addition to the above salary.
Qualifications :
1. A Medical Degree of recognized University with Prescribed Postgraduate qualifications and at least 12 years’ experience as Medical Practitioner.
Salary Scales: (U-MO 2)*
From 01.01.2017-Rs. 63,828-15×1,438 – 85,398 p.m.
From 01.01.2018-Rs. 72,412-15×1,632 – 96,892 p.m.
From 01.01.2019-Rs. 80,996-15×1,826 – 108,386 p.m.
From 01.01.2020-Rs. 89,580-15×2,020, 119,880 p.m.
The other allowances determined by the University Grants Commission will be paid in addition to the above salary.
Other Benefits: (Post of Bursar/ Project Manager/ Chief Medical Officer)
• Selected candidates will contribute 10% of their monthly salary to the Universities’ Provident Fund while the employer will make a contribution of 15% their salary of which 8% will be credited to Universities Pension Fund and 7% to the Universities Provident Fund. In addition they will become contributors to the Employees Trust Fund which the University will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% of the Salary.
• Gratuity payment in accordance with the provisions of the payment of Gratuity Act 12 of 1983.
• Eligible for one year of Sabbatical Leave with full pay or two years of without pay on completion of seven years or service. Further those proceeding abroad on Sabbatical Leave are eligible to receive full passage for self and Spouse.
Qualifications :
B.Sc. Engineering Degree specializing in Civil Engineering from a recognized University
National Diploma in Technology specializing in Civil Engineering or equivalent with, at least seven (07) years of experience in Civil Engineering works in a recognized establishment.
Salary :
All inclusive of Rs.100,000/- per month.
Application forms and further particulars including qualifications could be obtained from the office of the Deputy Registrar/ Academic Establishments Division of this University up to 08.02.2017 by personally calling over or by post sending a self-addressed stamped envelope 25.5 c.m. x 10 c.m. in size to reach the Deputy Registrar / Academic Establishments of this University or could be downloaded from here.
Duly completed applications should be forwarded under registered cover indicating the post applied for on the top left hand corner of the envelope to reach the Deputy Registrar/ Academic Establishments Division, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 13.02.2017.
Applicants from University System / Government Departments / Corporations/ Statutory Boards should channel their applications through the Head of their respective Institutions.
The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates. Applications which do not conform to the requirements, incomplete applications and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without intimation.
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,