Inviting Applications for Consultancy Developing Course Manual for Industrial Awareness

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Programme (AHEAD) ELTA- ELSE Faculty Grants University of Sri Jayewardenepura

The AHEAD Operation of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, invites applications from

interested parties for Developing Course Manual for Industrial Awareness, under the ELTA/ELSE Faculty Grant.

  1. Background

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) will focus on expanding, diversifying and developing the higher education sector in Sri Lanka to drive economic growth through knowledge-based industrial and service sector activity and on producing graduates of global quality. The AHEAD program will have the three results areas and among those the Enriching Learning, Teaching, Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELTA-ELSE) DP aims at improving the quality of higher education and has two main components: (a) academic and socio-emotional skills development[1] and (b) enhancement of English language skills. There is also a global trend towards promoting the integration of academic excellence and enhanced socio-emotional skills among university students, so that they are well prepared for the world of work, and for wider social and civic life upon graduation. The ELTA component of the DP seeks to address this issue through the meaningful integration of socio-emotional skills into the academic programs of the Faculty of Humanities and social sciences.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) intends to revise its existing curricula. The need for a revision is informed by the analysis of the systematic and unstructured feedback and comments received about the curricular from (i) the employability survey and the baseline survey on socio-emotional skills (SES), (ii) the self-scrutiny of the syllabi, teaching and assessment methods, (iii) stakeholders’ comments on SJP graduates, (iv) policy and regulations of the University Grants Commission (UGC), and (v) suggestions made by the Programme Review-2017.

From these sources, it was revealed that the scarcity of courses, which offer industrial awareness and entrepreneurial development catering to the existing requirements of the job market.

  1. Objective of the developing course manual

In order to achieve the identified gap of courses, which offer industry awareness catering to the existing requirements of the job market, the AHEAD ELTA ELSE Faculty DP proposed an activity of “Revision of curricula as its main activity and under this there are three sub activities. Activity 1.2 is to introduce two course units to the third year students in the faculty on industrial awareness and entrepreneurial development. Since these two course units are newly introduced courses and no expertise in the faculty to prepare course specification and material in line with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences seeks to get an expertise service from the outside relating to the following activities.

2.1 Structuralize the course specification in line with the learning out comes, number of

hours etc. as mentioned in Sri Lanka Qualification Framework.

2.2 Prepare course manual on Industrial Awareness including course materials

2.3 Publish the course manual in the Learning Management System (LMS) of the


  1. Scope and Coverage of a manual

Manual must be developed according to the standards of developing the course specifications as mentioned in the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework. It should be covered all the contents proposed in the course specification which will be structuralized under the objective 2.1.

  1. Submission of manuals

Manual should be submitted to the Project Coordinator of the AHEAD ELTA ELSE Faculty DP in accordance with the following schedule.

4.1 Draft of developed course specification in soft & hard versions should be submitted

within 15 working days from the date of signing the contract to the Project

Coordinator for submission to the curriculum development committee of the


4.2 Draft manual in soft &hard versions should be submitted within 45 working days

from the date of signing the contract to the Project Coordinator for submission to the

curriculum development committee of the faculty.

4.3 Final submission after amending the manual following the receipt of reviewer’s

input, in soft & hard versions should be submitted to the Project Coordinator within

15 working days of receipt of reviewer’s’ comments.

  1. Review Mechanism

The review process is specified as below

5.1 Firstly, the draft version will be reviewed by the committee appointed by the

curriculum development committee of the faculty. The review is aimed to check for

compliance with the format and the alignment with the developed course


5.2 Secondly, final version of the manual incorporating these suggestions and

comments should be submitted to the review committee for final recommendation.

5.3 Finally, the review committee recommended manual should be approved by the

curriculum development committee and the faculty board before

distribution/uploading to the LMS.

  1. Payments and payments conditions

The schedule of the payments is specified below.

6.1  10% of the total value will be paid after signing the contract

6.2  50% of the total value will be paid after submission of the drafts versions of the

course specification and the course manual.

6.3  40% of the total value will be paid on the acceptance of the Final Version of Course

Manual by curriculum development committee and the Faculty Board.

  1. Duration of the consultancy

The expected duration of the assignment is three months (03) commencing from the date of signing the contract.

  1. Budget
  2. Manual writing – 250000.00 (External Expert)
  3. Coordinator of the Assignment

Prof. (Mrs.) T.M.S.P.K. Thennakoon, Project Coordinator/PCP & Coordinator for Activity 1/ AHEAD ELTA ELSE Faculty DP.

  1. Ownership of the Manual

The ownership of the course manual belongs to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

  1. Applications and particulars :

Sealed quotations will be received by the Deputy Director/Procurement(OTS), AHEAD Operation, 1st Floor, Vice Chancellor’s Lodge,  University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 2.30 p.m. of 10.07.2019.

You are hereby requested to provide your work schedule along with your CV and any other data which you may think are relevant for accepting your quotation.

Dr. W.G.S.Kelum
AHEAD Operation,

Downloads: Inviting quotations for consultancy on Industrial Awareness

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    March 19 @ 8:00 am - March 20 @ 5:00 pm
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