Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Programme (AHEAD)
The Government of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.
The AHEAD Operation of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, requests Expression of Interest from interested parties for the above consultancy, under the ELTA/ELSE Faculty Grant (Faculty of Applied Sciences).
The development of the higher education sector is of central importance to enable Sri Lanka to make the transition from a Lower-Middle Income Country (LMIC) to an Upper Middle-Income Country (UMIC). Recognizing this, the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) and the World Bank have agreed, to support the higher education sector through a Bank funded Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) operation.
Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) operation is organized into two components. The first is a Program Component that supports the national Higher Education Development Program.
The second is a systems strengthening, capacity building and technical assistance component that will assist GoSL to strengthen the higher education sector and achieve the objectives of the AHEAD program component. This second will also cover monitoring and evaluation, policy analyses, program coordination and communication.
The implementing agency is the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways (MHEH). The University Grants Commission (UGC) will coordinate the activities of the universities. There will be an Operations Monitoring and Support Team (OMST) which will coordinate and support all AHEAD activities between the MHEH, UGC, and the universities.
AHEAD has three Results Areas:
Results Area 1: Increasing Enrollment in Priority Disciplines for Economic Development
Results Area 2: Improving the Quality of Higher Education
Results Area 3: Promoting Research, Development and Innovation
Design online content to supplement and support new course units in English for first year (course name: English for Scientific Discourse) and third year undergraduates (course name: Professional English) as well as for the existing first year course in English currently offered by the DELT.
They should consist of self learning material for students to enhance the learning of English as well as Academic Discourse inclusive of relevant exercises, practice questions as well as required audio visual material.
The consultant should evaluate the English knowledge requirements of the faculty and the syllabus of English courses which are currently being offered/proposed. Consultant should provide material which will enhance self learning for students. Consultant should be available to work with the university to host the material on the university web and test run the contents in the first year of its implementation. Consultant may be in consultation with the DELT of the University and be expected to participate at meetings with relevant parties.
The main duties and responsibilities of the consultant will be to:
- Design online resources to supplement the existing course unit conducted by the DELT to facilitate self learning of English by students.
- Design online resources to supplement the syllabi of the proposed English courses (given below) conducted at the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
- English for Scientific Discourse by incorporating components to improve their presentation, communication, note taking, comprehension, scientific report writing and reading skills
- Professional English to prepare students for the work place environment and for tests to certify English proficiency.
- Develop an online assessment method if deemed necessary to assess students in one course as deemed necessary by the DELT.
- After introducing to the students, update the contents that are identified.
Key Task | Required Deliverables |
Identification of required online resources | Be in consultation with DELT and identify the exact level of standard of the courses and participation at a workshop as a resource person | 0-3 months | |
Designing online resources to supplement existing and proposed 2 course units | Design online content to match requirements of the non-credit course offered by DELT and submit to the faculty for approval from Faculty Board. | 3 – 6 months | |
Design online content to match requirements of the of course 1 proposed in AHEAD proposal and submit to the faculty for approval from Faculty Board. | 3 – 6 months | ||
Design online content to match requirements of the of course 2 proposed in AHEAD proposal and submit to the faculty for approval from Faculty Board.. | 3 – 6 month | ||
Update the content as required | Be available to modify/ update as and when the requirement arises. | 6 – 12 months |
The contract will run for 12 months from the date of signing the contract.
A total payment of LKR 100,000 disbursed on completion of deliverables and submission of a consultancy report as follows:
- LKR 10,000 will be paid on the completion of key task 1.
- LKR 25,000 will be paid at the completion of key task 2 a).
- LKR 25,000 will be paid at the completion of key task 2 b).
- LKR 25,000 will be paid at the completion of key task 2 c).
- LKR 15,000 will be paid at the completion of the full consultancy.
- At least 5 years working experience in teaching, developing web based content development for English language teaching.
The consultant shall closely coordinate with the head of DELT or coordinator for the Faculty of Applied Sciences and coordinate and report any issues to Activity Coordinator / Project Coordinator of ELTA-ELSE activities of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
- Ability to analyze and design syllabus to teach the above required courses to undergraduates.
- Ability to design the modules to teach the above courses to undergraduates in line with the drafted syllabus that can be supplemented by web based material.
- Ability to interact well with academic staff.
- Ability to function effectively in a team environment inspiring trust and cooperation of other team members.
- Strong communication skills and good interpersonal relations.
This assignment is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education via AHEAD-OMST under the program component of AHEAD. As such, the University shall be the owner of the assignment and will reserves the Intellectual Property Rights for all deliverable of the assignment under the terms and conditions given in the IP policy of the University. The Consultant will have no right of claim to the assignment or its outputs once it is completed and no rights to use Data and Information gathered through the assignment for other purposes without written permission from the Vice Chancellor. Any Reports/ Data/ Information produced as a part of this assignment shall be handed over to the Client in soft and hard forms.
The Consultancy Procurement Committee on behalf of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested individuals must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services along with the work schedule for this consultancy (curriculum vitae with description of experience in similar assignments, and similar conditions, etc.). Interested individuals could indicate their interest for the consultancy.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government of Sri Lanka’s Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants-2007.
Expressions of interest must be delivered to the Deputy Director/ Procurement (OTS), AHEAD Operation, 1st Floor, Vice Chancellor’s Lodge, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 2.30 p.m. of 31.05.2020.
Dr. W.G.S.Kelum
AHEAD Operation