Academic Vacancies – Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura invites applications from prospective candidates for vacancies as indicated below.

Department of Computer Engineering

Positions:              Senior Lecturer Grade I/Senior Lecturer Grade II/Lecturer (Probationary)

The Department is in search of academics, preferably with a first Degree in Engineering from a recognized University in Computer Engineering. Those with first degrees (of four year duration) in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Physical Science may also apply to be considered for appointment provided they have acceptable Postgraduate and/ or Professional Qualifications for recruitment as Senior Lecturer Grade I/ Senior Lecturer Grade II.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Positions:              Senior Lecturer Grade I/Senior Lecturer Grade II

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is in search of candidates with first Degree in Engineering from a recognized University in the fields of Mechanical/ Manufacturing/ Industrial Engineering.

Those applying for posts of Senior Lecturer Grade I/ Grade II should ensure that they process 6 years/ 12 years of experience respectively, after graduation either in teaching, research, industry or postgraduate studies.

Applicants must be Sri Lankan Citizens and should name two non-related referees from whom information about the applicant may be obtained by the University.

Salary Scales:

(A)          Senior Lecturer Grade I          –             Rs.45,545-7×1050-52,895 p.m. U-AC 3 (I)*

(B)          Senior Lecturer Grade II        –             Rs.39,755 – 11 X 900 – 48,445 p.m. U-AC 3 (II)*

(C)          Lecturer (Probationary)        –             Rs.27,775 – 10 X 645 – 34,225 p.m. U-AC 3 (IV)*

*In addition to the above salary, the academic allowance of 136% and 100% for Senior Lecturer Grade I/II and Lecturer (Probationary) respectively, cost of living allowance and other allowances approved by the UGC will be paid.


  • Selected candidates will contribute to 10% their monthly salary to the Universities’ Provident Fund while the employer will make a contribution of 15% of their salary of which 8% will be credited to Universities Pension Fund and 7% to the Universities Provident Fund. In addition they will become contributors to the Employees Trust Fund which the University will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% of the Salary.
  • Senior Lecturer Grade II and above eligible for one year of Sabbatical Leave with full pay or two years of without pay on completion of seven years of service. Further those proceeding abroad on Sabbatical Leave are eligible to receive full passage for self and spouse.

Positions for Temporary Instructor/ Demonstrator in the Departments of Civil/ Computer/ Electrical and Electronic/ Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Studies

The Faculty is in search of persons who have qualified themselves as Engineering Graduates (preferred) or Graduates in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Physical Science from recognized Universities to be employed as Temporary Instructor/ Demonstrator. Those who are awaiting results having completed all Academic Requirements for the conferment of their Degree may also apply. They may apply providing all necessary information in a self-made application with an indication of the names and contact information of two non-related referees.

Salary Scales:

  • Fixed Salary of Rs. 21,370/- p.m. and other allowances approved by the University Grants Commission will also pay to you.


  • Selected candidates will contribute to the Universities Provident Fund by means of equal monthly deductions from your salary an amount equal to the ten percent (10% ) of your earnings and the University will in addition out of its funds contribute at the same time a sum equal to fifteen percent (15%) of your earnings.


  • Three percent (3%) of your total earnings will be contributed by the University to the Employees’ Trust Fund in terms of the provisions of the Employees’ Trust Fund Act No. 46 of 1980.


Application forms and further particulars including qualifications could be obtained from the Office of the Deputy Registrar /Academic Establishments Division of this University up to 31st August, 2016 by personally calling over or by post sending a self-addressed stamped envelope 25.5c.m.x10c.m in size to reach the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments of this University or could be downloaded from here.

Duly completed applications should be forwarded under registered cover indicating the post applied on the top left-hand corner of the envelop to reach the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments Division, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 5th September, 2016.

Applicants from University System/ Government Departments/ Corporations/ Statutory Boards should channel their applications through the Head of their respective Institutions.

The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates.  Applications which do not conform to these requirements, incomplete applications and application received after the closing date will be rejected without intimation.

University of Sri Jayewardenepura,

Download the Application Form

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