The University of Sri Jayewardenepura invites applications from prospective candidates for vacancies as indicated below.


Faculty of Applied Sciences

01. Department of Botany
02. Department of Chemistry
03. Department of Computer Science
04. Department of Food Science & Technology
05. Department of Mathematics
06. Department of Physics
07. Department of Statistics

The applications should be accomplished with the followings in the terms of the University Grants Commission Circular 05/2015 dated 28.05.2015.

(a) Curriculum Vitae
(b) A self-assessment of his/ her contribution to the Teaching & Academic Development, Research and Creative Works, Dissemination of knowledge and Contribution to University and National Development after became as a Professor.

The applications should be accomplished with the followings in terms of the University Grants Commission Circular 04/2014 of 01.04.2014 and Commission Circular No.916 of 30.09.2009.

(a) The Curriculum Vitae.
(b) A self-assessment of career specifying the contribution to Teaching & Academic Development, Research & Creative Work, Dissemination of knowledge and University and National Development as per marking scheme.
(c) Three copies of Publications, Research Papers and Other Relevant Documents.
(d) Titles of five (05) outstanding research papers (Publications).


01. Department of Botany
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Biotechnology/

02. Department of Chemistry
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Physical organic
Chemistry/ Synthetic Organic Chemistry.

03. Department of Computer Science
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are in
any area of study in Computer Science/ ICT/ IT.

04. Department of Food Science & Technology
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Bakery
Technology, Confectionary Technology, Root Crops,
Herbs and Condiments Technology, Nonalcoholic
Beverage Technology, Greener Production and Food
Quality Management.

05. Department of Forestry & Environmental Sciences
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Forestry &
Environmental Science/ Econometrics.

06. Department of Mathematics
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Mathematics/
Industrial Management.

07. Department of Physics
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Computational
condensed matter/ Theoretical Physics.

08. Department of Statistics
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Sports Statistics.

09. Department of Zoology
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate qualifications in Aquaculture and Entomology.

10. Office of the Dean

I) Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II in Instrumental Analysis
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates Post Doctoral
who are having post graduate and experience in
analytical instruments including XRD, SEM, TGA and

II) Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II in Research Methodology
Preferred area of Study – Preference will be given for candidates who are
having post graduate experience in Research and
Teaching Methodology/ Data analysis/ Industrial
Management/ Management Science.
Note : In addition to the qualifications for Senior Lecturer (Grade I / II) as per UGC Circular 721, Preference will be given for candidates who are having B.Sc. Special Degree with first or second class Honors with Ph.D in the relevant field of Study.

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

• Department of Business Economics
Positions: Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II/ Lecturer (Probationary)/ Temporary Lecturer

Preference will be given to candidates who can teach more than one subject in Advance Economic Theory, Monetary Economics, Economic Thought, Asian Economics, Environmental Economics and Regional Economics.

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

• Department of English and Linguistics
Positions: Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II/ Lecturer (Probationary)/ Temporary Lecturer

Preference will be given to the candidates with PhD qualification in English Literature and Linguistics.

• Department of Languages, Cultural Studies & Performing Arts

Positions: Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II/ Lecturer (Probationary)/ Temporary Lecturer in Creative Music Technology

Preference will be given to the candidates with a Degree in Creative Industries, Experience in relative field and Practical and theoretical knowledge of music.

Positions: Senior Lecturer, Grade I/ Grade II/ Lecturer (Probationary)/ Temporary Lecturer in Music and Video Technology

Preference will be given to the candidates with a Special Degree in Arts (Music), Practical and theoretical knowledge of music, experience in Video technology and Master’s degree in Information technology (Multimedia).

Salary Scales:
(A) Senior Professor
Rs.91,808 – 11×1,951– 113,269 p.m. U-AC 5(I)
(B) Professor
Rs.77,299 – 13X1,794 – 101,621 p.m. U-AC 5(II)
(C) Senior Lecturer Grade I
Rs.62,293 – 7 X1,438 – 72,359 p.m. U-AC 3 (I)
(D) Senior Lecturer Grade II
Rs.54,363 – 11X1,082 – 66,265 p.m. U-AC 3 (II)
(E) Lecturer (Probationary)
Rs. 37,959 – 10×883 – 46,789 p.m. U-AC 3 (IV)
(F) Temporary Lecturer
Rs. 35,556 p.m. (Fixed) U-AC 2 – 2006 – A

The other allowances determined by the University Grants Commission will be paid in addition to the above salary. Accordingly,

(A) Senior Professor
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.203,000/-
(Further Research Allowances of 35% of basic salary is entitled for ongoing research works)
(B) Professor
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.170,000/-
(Further Research Allowances of 35% of basic salary is entitled for ongoing research works)
(C) Senior Lecturer Grade I
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.136,000/-
(Further Research Allowances of 35% of basic salary is entitled for ongoing research works)
(D) Senior Lecturer Grade II
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.121,000/-
(Further Research Allowances of 35% of basic salary is entitled for ongoing research works)
(E) Lecturer (Probationary)
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.80,000/-
(Further Research Allowances of 35% of basic salary is entitled for ongoing research works)
(F) Temporary Lecturer
Approximate Gross Salary Rs.49,000/-

Benefits: (Senior Professor/ Professor/ Senior Lecturer Grade I/ Senior Lecturer Grade II/ Lecturer (Probationary))
• Selected candidates will contribute 10% from their monthly salary to the Universities’ Provident Fund while the employer will make a contribution of 15% of their salary of which 8% will be credited to Universities Pension Fund and 7% to the Universities Provident Fund. In addition they will become contributors to the Employees’ Trust Fund which the University will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% of the Salary.

• Senior Lecturer Grade II and above eligible for one year of Sabbatical Leave with full pay or two years without pay on completion of seven years of service. Further those proceeding abroad on Sabbatical Leave are eligible to receive full air passage for self and spouse.

Benefits: (Temporary Lecturer)
• Selected candidates will contribute 10% from their monthly salary to the Universities’ Provident Fund while the employer will make a contribution of 15% of their salary to the Universities Provident Fund. In addition they will become contributors to the Employees’ Trust Fund which the University will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% of the Salary.


• Sports Science & Management Degree Programme
Post of Instructor in Physical Education (Grade III)

Preference will be given to candidate with B.Sc. Honours in Sport Science & Management or Physical Education.

• Department of Physics
Post of Workshop Engineer (Grade III)

Preference will be given to candidate with B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or NDT (Mechanical Engineering) with 5 years Experience.

• Lands and Building Unit
Post of Curator (landscape) Grade III

• External Degrees & Extension Courses Unit
Post of Computer Programmer

Salary Scales:
(A) Instructor in Physical Education (Grade III)
Rs.29,190 – 18×438 – 37,074 p.m. U-AS I (II)
(Approximate Gross Salary Rs.55,000/-)
(B) Workshop Engineer (Grade III)
Rs.35,556 – 3×801 – 37,959 (EB) – 38,842 – 12×883 – 49,438 p.m. U-EX I (II)
(Approximate Gross Salary Rs.63,000/-)
(C) Curator (landscape) Grade III
Rs. 35,556 – 3×801 – 37,959 (EB) – 38,842 – 12×883 – 49,438 p.m. U-EX I (II)
(Approximate Gross Salary Rs.63,000/-)
(D) Computer Programmer
Rs. 34,062-19×492 – 43,410 p.m. U-ASI (I)
(Approximate Gross Salary Rs.49,000/-)

The other allowances determined by the University Grants Commission will be paid in addition to the above salary.

Benefits: (Instructor/ Workshop Engineer/ Curator (landscape)/ Computer Programmer)
• Selected candidates will contribute 10% from their monthly salary to the Universities’ Provident Fund while the employer will make a contribution of 15% of their salary of which 8% will be credited to Universities Pension Fund and 7% to the Universities Provident Fund. In addition they will become contributors to the Employees’ Trust Fund which the University will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% of the Salary.

Application forms and further particulars including qualifications could be obtained from the office of the Deputy Registrar/ Academic Establishments Division of this University up to 24.03.2017 by personally calling over or by post sending a self-addressed stamped envelope 25.5 c.m. x 10 c.m. in size to reach the Deputy Registrar / Academic Establishments of this University or could be downloaded from here.

Duly completed applications should be forwarded under registered cover indicating the post applied for on the top left hand corner of the envelope to reach the Deputy Registrar/ Academic Establishments Division, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on or before 31.03.2017.

Applicants from University System / Government Departments / Corporations/ Statutory Boards should channel their applications through the Head of their respective Institutions.

The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates. Applications which do not conform to the requirements, incomplete applications and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without intimation.

University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Download the Application Form

Download the Particulars
Post of Senior Professor
Post of Professor
Post of Lecturer
Post of Workshop Engineeer
Post of Curator (Landscape)
Post of Computer Programmer

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