

Biomimetics, in other words imitating life, is a creative form of technology that mimics nature in various developments that improve the quality of life of people. Biomimetics is not a novel concept but has been used since the beginning of human inventions. In recent times, extensive engagement of biomimetics has been noticed in the development...
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With emerging diversified technological developments, the field of social robotics takes a significant place. 13th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2021) brought out together researchers and practitioners around the globe working on the interaction between humans and intelligent robots and on the integration of robots into the fabric of our society. The team representing...
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Sri Lanka has confirmed a new sub lineage of the Delta strain of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, detected in the island and termed B.1.617.2. AY 104. Dr. Chandima Jeewadara, Director, Molecular and Cell Biology Unit of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ, said Sri Lanka now has three variants that originated in the...
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Researchers from Science, Management, Medical, Technology, Engineering and Graduate Studies Faculties published twenty research papers in Journals indexed by Elsevier Scopus during the last month. The web publishing team of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura acknowledges their contribution to upgrading the research standards of the University and expanding the knowledge base in the relevant subject areas. 1. A...
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Blockchain has become a trending area, which is observed to be approaching many related fields. Blockchain has made its entrance through cryptocurrency for financial transactions, which has now diversified by making into applications in smart healthcare, transportation, and agriculture. Smart grids on the other hand are replacing less efficient, conventional, hierarchical electricity grids for maximizing...
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Sri Lanka is a country which was once considered as the “granary of the ancient east”; today we try to win back this status by making a paradigm shift in agricultural practices. This sudden decision has become a central and controversial topic among the general public and “NANO” has become the buzz word. It’s unfortunate...
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Prof. Meththika Vithanage, Director of Ecosphere Resilience Research Center, Faculty of Applied Science, was awarded the prestigious TWAS-Fayaz M. Al-Kharafi Award 2020 by the World Academy of Sciences, Italy at the Annual Meeting held virtually at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia yesterday (1st November 2021). This annual award, named after...
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Three researchers from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Prof. Meththika Vithanage, Dr. Anushka U, Rajapaksha and Prof. Neelika Malavige are ranked among World’s Top 2% Scientists in the 2020 List of outstanding researchers prepared by Elsevier BV, Stanford University, USA. This is the newest data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”. This...
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Geneticists and archaeologists studying ancient DNA should engage with stakeholders in the places where they conduct research, minimize damage to human remains and share their data, according to new guidelines outlined in a paper co-authored by Senior Prof. Surangi Yasawardene ;Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura  and published in Nature. DNA...
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Researchers from Science, Management, Medical, Technology, Engineering and Graduate Studies Faculties published twenty research papers in Journals indexed by Elsevier Scopus during the last month. The web publishing team of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura acknowledges their contribution to upgrading the research standards of the University and expanding the knowledge base in the relevant subject areas. 1. Antimony...
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