Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura will welcome new student batch of (2022/2023) on Monday, January 22. The first phase of the orientation procedure for new students will be held online from January 19th to 21st, 2024, and the second phase taking place physically at the University of Sri Jayawardenepura...Read More
The first-ever International Research Conference on Gender Studies, held on the 12th and 13th of October 2023, was a significant event that brought together scholars, students, organizations, and communities to discuss and raise awareness about various gender-related issues. This conference, organized by the Gender Equity and Equality Center in collaboration with the Equal Opportunity...Read More
The 49th Convocation of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura took place from October 6th to 8th, 2023, at the prestigious Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH). This momentous event will witness the conferring of degrees upon a total number of 3,962 graduates, including 3,363 undergraduates, 399 MA recipients, 29 MPhil awardees, and 27 PhD...Read More
විද්යෝදය සාහිත්ය සම්මාන ප්රදානය 2023 සඳහා කෘති ඉදිරිපත් කළ ප්රකාශන ආයතන අතුරින් ඇස්. ගොඩගේ සහ සහෝදරයෝ සමාගම රිදී සන්නාමයෙන් (Silver Partner) පිදුම් ලබයි. විද්යෝදය සාහිත්ය සම්මාන ප්රදානෝත්සවය 2023 සැප්තැම්බර් 1 වැනිදා පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතයි. Vidyodaya Literary Awards 2023 organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held...Read More
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at USJ presents the inaugural lecture of the Institutional Awareness and Entrepreneurial Development Workshop Series on Career Guidance and Industrial Awareness. Time: Jul 1, 2023 09:00 AM Colombo Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99363298219?pwd=SHNkNXVzTEExRTl1WVIvSXo4WlRXUT09 Meeting ID: 993 6329 8219 Passcode: 175565Read More
The Diploma in Applied Tamil Language, offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, USJ has been designated as a course with the possibility of exemption from the official language proficiency requirement in line with Sri Lanka’s official language policy. As per the approval under Public Administration Circular No. 18/2020, this course fulfills...Read More
The Quality Assurance Cell of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has organized an awareness session on Current Teaching Methodologies, Outcmoe-based Education and Student-centered Learning, on 20th June 2023 from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm at the Boardroom, FHSS for the faculty’s academic staff. The session will be conducted by Snr. Prof. Shironica P....Read More
Applications are called from the qualified candidates for the following external degree courses offered by the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura until 30th October 2022. External Degree Courses Offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: 1. Bachelor of Arts (General) External Degree Program 2. Bachelor of...Read More
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of USJ offers a 2-semester certificate course for 1st year undergrads of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Library and Information Sciences. This course will be taught in English/Sinhala in collaboration with the Library of the University. The academic staff of the library is capable of completing this...Read More