Our Certificate Course on Quantitative Data Analysis is designed for researchers, research students, and anyone who uses statistics in their employment or is interested in learning more about data analysis. The course will cover the fundamentals of quantitative data analysis, including how to operate Excel, SPSS, introduction to statistics, sample surveys, inferential statistics, correlation and...Read More
Application Closing Date – Friday, 27th December 2024 Application Process: Pay the Application Fee of LKR 1,500/- to the following account (all applicants including current postgraduate students must pay this application fee) Account Holder : University of Sri Jayewardenepura Account number : 053010006426 Bank & Branch : People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch If the bank officer informs you that this account number is incorrect, please...Read More
Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Statistics Offered through the Department of Statistics, USJ New Admissions for 2023 This program has been designed for graduates who wish to gain a basic knowledge in statistics. Upon successful completion, professionals from various fields such as medicine, engineering, management, social sciences, biological sciences, marketing, pharmaceuticals, nursing, etc. will be able to design...Read More
Certificate Course on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing (2023/Batch 2) Duration: 44 hours APPLICATION CLOSING DATE : 23rd June 2023 Commencement: July 2023 For more information please refer to the following flyer, and Click here to Apply online Read More