Graced by Director General – Mrs. Darshana Senanayake, Director – Mrs. Sagarika Bogahawatte, Asst. Director – Mrs. Madukha Chandramali together with the Development officer of the Department of Project Management and Monitoring of the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs, guided by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe; the university held a workshop on the subject of ” Preparation of organizational results framework” on the 6th May 2016 at the University premises.
Headed by the Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, acting deans of all faculties and other academics, the forum made way towards understanding and implementing a system wherein the results produced at the university will be better managed to show the key interest of USJP as being parallel with national objectives.
Prof. Amaratunge stressed on this being imperative for the betterment and future goodwill of the university since being academics they should concentrate on going beyond the mere roles of teaching and research and should focus on accomplishing national objectives.
Vice Chancellor’s speech at the ceremony: