The 3rd Annual Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) was held on 28th and 29th January 2016, at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura premises. The inauguration took place at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and was attended by Emeritus Prof.Noriyuki Kasai (AFLAS – Japan) as Chief Guest, Vice Chsncellor Prof.Sampath Amaratunge as Guest of Honour and a host of other distinguished academics both local and foreign. The theme for these sessions was “Trends in Laboratory Animal Science’.
SLALAS is an organization committed to promote the ethical use of animals in laboratories. They assert themselves to the growing public call to minimize the use of animals in research and are coming forth with alternative methods to proceed with.
Keynote address was delivered by the chief guest Prof.Noriyuki Kasai and he was awarded with the honorary membership of SLALAS.
Vice Chancellor’s Speech