Survey of Online Learning in Higher Education in Sri Lanka

Survey of Online Learning in Higher Education in Sri Lanka

All students of University of Sri Jayewardenepura are requested to fill this online survey “Sri Lanka Online Learning in Higher Education: Student-Level Survey”

This Survey is sponsored by the Presidential Task Force on Sri Lanka’s Education Affairs in collaboration with the University Grants Commission (UGC) and  the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovations (MHETI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Please take a moment to participate in this 15-minute survey.

To assess the current utilization of online learning, and digital learning of faculty members and students of universities, particularly under COVID-19;
To understand the challenges faced by universities, their faculty members, and students in online learning;
To help define programme opportunities for scaling-up online learning.

The new deadline for this online survey is 28th June 2020 (Sunday) 

Student Survey:  >>>>>
Respondents: All students

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