Science Faculty Sahurda Yathra Donates a library to Vidyartha Vidyalaya, Anuradhapura

‘Vidudaya Vidya Sahodarathwaya’ of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura donated a library to Vidyartha Maha Vidyalaya in Anuradhapura, to mark their annual community service ‘Sahurda Yathra’. The opening ceremony of the library facility was held on the 1st of October 2015. The project was done for the 9th consecutive time with the aim of lending help to underprivileged students.

Kekirawa Thibbatuwewa Maha Vidyalaya has around 1500 students from grades 1 to 13, and in order to give them a chance of a library facility much ground work had to be done. The project initiated in June 2015 with the collection of funds and books. By the end of September, a sufficient book collection was at hand. The library could then be officially handed over to students on 1st October; a wonderful gift for children on International Children’s Day.

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