Refurbishment of Soratha Mawatha and University Entrances

Refurbishment of Soratha  Mawatha and  University Entrances is one of the key projects in the Township Development Programme of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The Project intends to give an aesthetic and structural face-lift to the Soratha Mawatha and main entrances to the university introducing a number of essential modern provisions as seen in a world class university. The main activities of the project are:

  • Widening Soratha Mawatha from Wijerama junction up to the end of University premises for Regular Smooth Vehicular Traffic Flow.
  • Control and manage the ad-hoc and haphazard activities taking place in the immediate environs of USJP.
  • Provide a modernized, attractive and theme-based appearance to the main entrances facing the Soratha Mawatha.
  • Provide regular parking facilities including bus bays and three wheeler parking for the township community.
  • Manage and plan the limited space available within the university premises adjoining Soratha Mawatha in a meaningful manner for University Students constructing walkways, sitting areas and meeting points.
  • Make both side pedestrian walkways on Soratha Mawatha ensure safety and secured for University students and township community.
  • Install road signs along Soratha Mawatha to minimize the traffic congestion and enhance road safety from Wijerama junction to USJP.

Project Consultant:
Engineering Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd.,
No.03, Swarna Place,
Nawala Road,
Tel: 011 2806243

Project Contractor:
Kemyo (Pvt.) Ltd.,
No.12, St.Mishel Garden-2,
Tel/Fax : 011 2707268, 011 2707668, 077 7585088

Estimated project cost:                 Rs.80, 504,792.01

Date of Commencement:  06th of November 2014
Date to be ended:             13th of March 2015

The project after the completion will be as follows:


See the video presentation

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