Prof. Opatha receives Award for Best Book in Malaysia


Prof Opatha Personal Q book award
The book titled “Enhancing Your Personal Q” written by Senior Prof. H.H.D.N.P. Opatha of USJ (as the main author) and Associate Prof. Lim Kong Teong of University Utara Malaysia was selected as the Best Book under The General/Common Book (Motivational) Category of the National Book Award 2015 awarded by the National Book Development Foundation, Malaysia. The reward ceremony was held 25/11/2015 at Putra World Trade Centre, KL. The Director of UUM Press represented the authors to receive the award. Above pictures show some moments, the book, the certificate, and the trophy of the relevant event.

The book is a simplified pioneering innovative book about how to enhance Personal Quality (PQ) which is the totality of positive attributes a person must possess in order to achieve success and progress of success at work and personal life. PQ is a sine qua non to generate professionals who will not engage in frauds, corruptions, evil conflicts, assassinations, assaults, retaliations and wars and who will contribute to alleviate the plight. The book was designed to provide a systematic and rational understanding of PQ, both conceptual and application-oriented understanding. It focuses on personal character, personal management and personal key success factors which are the three dimensions of PQ. The book is an essential reference to everyone who wishes to become an appropriate professional in any field.

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