NOTICE – 47th Convocation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

47th Convocation of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held on 26th, 27th & 28th February 2022 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall for the conferment of degrees.

Eligible graduands of the following faculties are required to submit the completed supplication form.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Faculty of Applied Sciences 

Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce  

Faculty of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Technology 

Faculty of Engineering


Convocation supplication form can be downloaded below:

Download Supplication Form PDF  MS Word


Convocation Fee 

First Degree          Rs.  6,500.00

First Degree (in absentia)      Rs.   6,500.00

Postgraduate Degree/Diploma/Certificate      Rs. 11,500.00

Postgraduate Degree/Diploma/Certificate (in absentia)    Rs. 11,500.00

Dully filled supplication forms along with the scanned copies of the following documents (clear scanned documents, not images or photos) should be sent to the University on or before 18.01.2022 by using respective e-mail address as mentioned in the following table.

  1. Dully filled supplication form & the declaration (A4 size)
  2. Copy of the birth certificate (check name, whether it is exactly the same as the name written on the supplication form)
  3. The bank receipt for the payment of the convocation fee (yellow copy)
  4. A scanned copy of the first two pages of your Student Record Book to certify your name in the registration of the University is as same as in the Pass List


The graduands of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce should send their documents to the Academic, Student affairs, Examinations & Publications Division.

The graduands of the other Faculties should send their documents to their faculties.

{Subject of the e-mail should be as follows:

: Index number, Registration no, degree

Ex : AS2016xxx, AS85xxx, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree in Zoology}

All originals of the above e-mailed documents and a self-addressed (23x10cm) Rs. 45/= stamped envelope stating the index number, registration number & the name of the degree with the relevant course on top left hand corner (which is indicated in No. 02 of the Convocation supplication Form) should also be sent by post to the relevant address given below to reach on or before 21.01.2022.

Faculty e-mail address to which scanned copies of the documents should be sent Mailing address to which originals of the documents & stamped envelop should be sent
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Deputy Registrar

Academic, Student affairs, Examinations & Publications Division,

University of Sri Jayewardenepura,

Gangodawila, Nugegoda

Faculty of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce
Faculty of Medical Sciences Deputy Registrar

Faculty of Medical Sciences

University of Sri Jayewardenepura,

Gangodawila, Nugegoda

Faculty of Graduate Studies Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Graduate Studies

University of Sri Jayewardenepura,

Gangodawila, Nugegoda

Faculty of Technology Deputy Registrar

Faculty of Technology

University of Sri Jayewardenepura


Faculty of Engineering Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Engineering

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

41, Lumbini Avenue



Use the following link to access the students’ payment system for relevant payments.  (Before generate the payment receipt, you must select the “convocation  fees” category in the Income Type drop down menu)


Other instructions 

The name you have written on the convocation supplication form must be the same as the name that appears on the birth certificate.

In the original degree certificate, your name in Sinhala will be appeared as on your birth certificate and in English, it will be appeared as in the final results. {If there is any spelling correction in your name, please get it corrected before sending the supplication form}

Cloaks will be issued by the relevant Faculty two weeks prior to the graduation ceremony.The student identity card should be handed over to the Faculty office and the books obtained from the library should be returned before that date.


Administrative Coordinator
Academic, Student Affairs, Examinations & Publications

Upcoming Events

  1. 9th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences – 2025

    March 19 @ 8:00 am - March 20 @ 5:00 pm
  2. Pradeepa Pranama Award Ceremony 2025

    March 27 @ 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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