Delegates from the 7th innovation centre worldwide according to Thomson Reuters list of Top 25 Innovation Centres – National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science (AIST), Japan and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India visited University of Sri Jayewardenepura and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 19th April 2016 initiating a Trilateral collaboration in Science and Technology between Japan, India and Sri Lanka. The MOU has been signed by Dr. Yoshihiro, OHMIYA, Director, Biomedical Research Institute (BMRI), AIST and Prof SampathAmaratunge, The Vice Chancellor of USJP; while, Dr. Sunil KAUL, Chief Senior Research Scientist, AIST, Prof. Ranil de Silva Director, World Class University Project-2014, and His Excellency Kenichi Suganuma, The Japanese Ambassador signed as the witness.
The event was a stepping stone to link industry and academia promoting multidisciplinary and innovative research where officials from Export Development Board, Industrial Development Board, Industrial training Institute, Sri Lanka Institute of Nano technology, Sri Lanka Standards Institute, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Brandix Lanka Limited and Pharmaceutical Industries have actively participated. This initiation will pave the way for the Sri Lankan researchers/industries to utilize cutting edge technology available with AIST securing billions of public money to be invested on high-tech instruments.
This initiative is the result of the long lasting academic collaborations of Prof Ranil de Silva with Dr. Sunil Kaul, Chief Senior Research Scientist, AIST which has paved the way towards the advancement in Science and Technology between Japan, India and Sri Lanka.
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