Dr Dhammika Jayawardena receives outstanding article award by the Eastern Academy of Management

Dr. Dhammika JayewardenaDr. Dhammika Jayawardena’s research paper entitled ‘HRM as a “Web of Texts”: (re)articulating the identity of HRM in Sri Lanka’s localized global apparel industry” appeared in Organization Management Journal Vol. 11, NO.4 was awarded the 2014 outstanding research article award by the Eastern Academy of Management Philadelphia, USA.

The Award was officially announced at the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, May 6 – 9, 201S, and was presented in front of the entire Academy at the Friday Presidential Luncheon on May 8, 2015 in Philadelphia.

Since Organization Management Journal, published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis, is the official journal of the prestigious Eastern Academy of Management the outstanding research article award is recognized as a great honour in the global academic community.

Dr. S Dhammika W Jayawardena is s Senior Lecturer at Department of Business Administration at University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


Download the Paper (pdf)

Paper-UOMJ_HRM as a Web of Texts

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