Disscussion with Rohan Pallewatte – CEO of Lanka Harness

“When an egg is pressurized from the outside, it breaks and marks the end of a life. However when an egg is pressurized from the inside, it breaks and life begins. Similarly all great things begin from within the individual.”

Rohan Pallewatta, CEO of Lanka Harness who provides airbags and seatbelts for companies with high quality requirements, such as Toyota, Hyundai and Chrysler, amongst others joined us at Jpura for an interactive session on 4th May 2016.

He opened the forum with a difference.  He played the guitar while singing and at the end of the song left a message with the audience saying that embarking on innovation, new ventures and strong holds such as stage fright etc. were purely psychological barriers and it takes a person with courage and determination to go beyond such mental obstacles. Mr. Pallewatta engaged the audience further by speaking of his journey as an entrepreneur which by no means was a bed of roses and still continues to challenge him at the dawn of each new day. He also shed light on the topic of associating and working with professionals who respect you, your time, money and effort. He said that such networks build not only your personality but also your career as a professional.

Mr. Pallewatta left the audience with food for thought by saying that as he spoke and spent time with us that morning, his mother was on a life line at the ICU and that he had a flight scheduled for the day after and moved onto asking if we felt any such pressure vibrating through him. The mesmerized audience was left speechless while his actions as a professional and an entrepreneur spoke in volumes.

This truly enlightening session was organized by the Society of Industrial Scholars of Japura consisting of students reading for their B.Sc.(Hons) Degree in Applied Sciences.



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රොහාන් පල්ලෙවත්ත සමග සංවාදයක්

දිරිමත් බවින් ශක්තිමත්ව නැගී සිටි ව්‍යවසායකයකු වන Lanka Harness පුද්ගලික සමාගමේ ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිලධාරි රොහාන් පල්ලෙවත්ත සහභාගී වූ සංවාදයක් ජපුර පරිශ්‍රයේදී පැවැත්විණි.

ඉංග්‍රීසි බසින්, වැඩි විස්තර දැනගැනීම සදහා පිවිසෙන්න :http://www.sjp.ac.lk/wp/wp-admin/post.php?post=9486&action=edit&lang=en


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