Aptitude Test to Select Candidates for BSc Honours in Sports Science & Management for the Academic Year 2023/2024 – Deadline Extended!


University Admissions for the Academic Year 2023/2024
Bachelor of Science Honours in Sports Science & Management

The University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ) calls applications for the Aptitude Test to select candidates to follow the Bachelor of Science Honours in Sports Science & Management degree programme based on results of the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2023 (held in 2024).

To be eligible for admission to the above-mentioned degree programme, candidates should have obtained at least ‘S’ grades in any three subjects at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2023 (2024) (Please refer to the University Admissions Handbook 2023/2024).

The Aptitude Test will consist of the following components.

Test Component Testing Procedure Marks Allocation
Practical Test –    The test will evaluate candidates’ physical fitness qualities-     Test components: 35 m Sprint, 5×10 m Shuttle run, 1000 m Aerobic run, Standing Broad Jump, Push-ups (Nature of the Push-ups test is same for both male and female candidates) and Sit and Reach Test 60%
Sports Achievements –     Candidates’ sports achievements at International, National, Provincial, District and Zonal levels will be evaluated.-     Candidates will be instructed to produce certificates of their highest sports achievements during 2018 – 2024. 40%


Venue of the Aptitude Test: University of Sri Jayewardenepura

The schedule for the aptitude test is as follows.

Test Date Time
Practical Test andThe Evaluation of Sports Achievements 10.08.2024 08.00 a.m. – 06.00 p.m.
11.08.2024 08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.

All information related to the Aptitude Test procedures will be posted on this website.



  • Applicants should apply online via the link https://forms.gle/iDfCFQ9c93obmTQHA
  • Applicants should pay a fee of 1,650/= to Account Number 097-1-001-7-001-4075 (People’s Bank, Gangodawila Branch) in favour of “University of Sri Jayewardenepura” and upload a copy of the bank slip/proof of payment.

Please indicate your National Identity Card (NIC) number on the bank payment slip (in the space reserved for ‘Purpose’ on the cash deposit slip/Online Transfers/CDM – Cash Deposit Machines)

  • Applicants should provide a valid email address because information regarding the applications and the Aptitude Test procedures will be emailed to applicants.
  • Applicants should prepare the following documents before they start the application submission procedure and should rename each document with their NIC number and document name (e.g., 2003xxxxxxxx_NICFront).
    1. Scanned copies of both sides of the NIC (e.g., 2003xxxxxxxx_NICFront; 2003xxxxxxxx_NICBack)
    2. A scanned copy of proof of application fee payment/bank deposit slip (e.g., 2003xxxxxxxx_Slip).

The closing date for the online application submission is 30th July 2024  05th August 2024

For further information, please contact:

  • of Sports Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, USJ: 0112881530, 0112881531, 071 775 0681 (Email: aptsports@sci.sjp.ac.lk)
  • Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Applied Sciences, USJ: 0112881509

The Registrar
University of Sri Jayewardenepura


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