A New Book by Prof Opatha: Organizational Behaviour: the human side of work

Organizational Behaviour book by OpathaSenior Professor HHDNP Opatha has written and published a new book titled Organizational Behaviour: the human side of work which is another mammoth and herculean work, single handedly. It is the first Sri Lankan English Medium textbook on Organizational Behaviour (OB) published in 2015 having A4 size 672 pages and 14 chapters providing a systematic and rational understanding of OB, both conceptual understanding and application-oriented understanding to the reader. Despite the long history of Management Education in Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan literature on fundamentals of OB in English is negligible, and specially there was no single textbook on OB in English Medium written by a Sri Lankan or by anyone relating to Sri Lankan context which could be used by the Sri Lankan student, Sri Lankan university teacher and the Sri Lankan manager. This book fills this gap to a significant extent. There is an essential need to have learning material and teaching material, which match Sri Lankan context. Consequently this book will improve quality and relevance of OB education in Sri Lanka.

Key features of the book include the following:

  1. Chapter objectives and summary
  2. Real-life examples
  3. Instruments developed by the author to measure various OB constructs
  4. Vignettes and their analyses
  5. Review questions
  6. Activities (Cases, Critical incidents, and Skill builders)
  7. Glossary

The book is an essential reference to everyone who wishes to become an appropriate management professional in any field.

The above picture shows Prof.Opatha presenting the book to Vice Chancellor Prof.Sampath Amaratunge.

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