517 USJ Students Awarded in 45th Colours Awarding Ceremony for their Achievements in Sportsmanship

45th Colours Awarding Ceremony, organized by the Department of Physical Education in collaboration with the Sports Council of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 16th of March 2022 in Golden Rose Banquet Hall. This event organized by the USJ for appreciation of the achievements of USJ students in national and international levels in the year 2019.
President of UGC, Prof Sampath Amarathunga attended this event as the chief guest, and Vice Chancellor of USJ, Prof Sudantha Liyanage participated as the special guest to the event.
Student Jude Supun of Department of Sports Science awarded as the Most Outstanding Sportsmen in sports for 2019. Supun is also a talented sportsmen of National Football Team. Fourth year undergrad of Department of Sports Science Thilini Hendahewa awarded as the Most Outstanding Sportswomen in sports for 2019. Thilini Hendahewa is a talented badminton payer in Sri Lanka.
Another 36 students were awarded as “Japura Colours Award” and another 22students were awarded from special certifications.
This event organized by Department of Physical Education. People’s Bank sponsored to this award ceremony and State Minister Ravindra Samarawickrama, Marketing Manager of Ceylon Biscuit Ltd Nulupul De Silva participated as special guests for this event.

For more photos click here. 

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