UGC approved the Establishment of the Department of Sports Science at USJP

University Grants Commission has granted approval to establish the Department of Sports Science and Management at the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The Commission further noted that proposed student intake would be increased for the Sports Science and Management degree program with the establishment of the Department of Sports Science.

Sports Science is a discipline that studies the application of scientific principles and techniques with the aim of improving sporting performance. The programme is offered by the faculty of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Physical Education Division, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Advanced level students in the stream of Arts/Biological e/Physical Science/Commerce who have obtained the stipulated set for Sports Science and Management by the University Grant Commission Can apply for the Sports Science degree program at University. Graduates in this field may be employed as physical education teachers, dieticians or a nutritionists, performance analysts, sports coaches, sports therapists, fitness center managers, sports administrators, strength conditioning specialists or retail managers of sports. Graduates also be well positioned undertake further training to become an accredited physiotherapist, exercise physiologist or clinical exercise consultant.

Establishment of the Department of sport Sciences will open the door for thousands of students to broaden their knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide a valuable service to the country beyond as individuals.

UGC approved the Establishment of the Department of Sports Science

Sports Science and Management Degree Programme

At present, Sri Lanka is lacking sports professionals with technical skills and an administrative background. There is a need for world-class sports professionals who can guide Sri Lankan athletes towards National and International level achievements. Most of the school-level athletes, with their dedication and commitments toward sports, fail to further their higher education. If these athletes can be given an opportunity to further their education in Sports Science, they can utilize the knowledge to plan their careers successfully while contributing to the development of sports in the country.

Brief History

Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, the present Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, took the initiative to introduce the Sports Science and Management Degree Programme, in an attempt to bridge the existing gaps in Sports Education in the country. The degree programme was first established in 2013, with an annual intake of 45 students. Dr. R. A. U. J. Marapana served as the first Coordinator of the Degree Programme.


The Sports Science and Management degree programme is aimed at producing employable graduates with a well-rounded academic foundation in Sports Science. The degree programme is a multidisciplinary programme, which focuses on the areas of human anatomy and physiology, psychology, sociology, biomechanics, sports technology, forensic science, sports medicine and sports management. The degree programme is offered by the Faculty of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute.

The curriculum is designed in such a way that the students are given the opportunity to master the scientific perspective of sports and exercises, and develop skills necessary to manage sports businesses and consultancy entities successfully.

How to enter the course? 

The Advanced Level students in the streams of Biological Science, Physical Science, Arts, Commerce and Technology are eligible to follow the Sports Science and Management Degree Programme. The selection process is based on the z-score and an Aptitude Test. The first batch of students completed their degree in 2016, and will be graduating at the 43rd Convocation held in September, 2017. Out of 39 students, 05 students passed with First Classes while 08 students obtained Second Class – Upper Division.

World Class Athletes 

The programme has produced numerous world-class athletes so far, who have represented several International sports events including Asian Games, South Asian Games and Olympics – 2016.

Future Developments

There has been a significant increase in the number of applicants in the past few years, which is indicative of the growing demand for the degree programme throughout the country. Hence, under the newly established Department, we are planning to increase the annual intake in the coming years to match the growing demands for Sports Science graduates. Further, they are planning to introduce the following courses/programmes in future, to open avenues to those who are keen to absorb knowledge on disciplines that the Department can offer.

• Certificate course in Sports Science (01 Year)
• Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Science (01 Year)
• Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education (01 Year)
• Masters in Sports Science and Physical Education (02 Years)

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UGC approved the Establishment of the Department of Sports Science

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