J’pura Employability Skills Awards 2021- Introductory session- Best Team Player Award

22nd July 2021 @ 6:00 pm
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The Career Skills Development Society of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura is organizing a workshop series about JESA (Japura Employability Skills Awards), the most extravagant awarding ceremony organized by our respective society. This workshop series is organized to enlighten our students about JESA and will continue from the 16th of July to the 9th of August, via the virtual Zoom platform.

CSDS has successfully completed the first two workshops, an introductory session about JESA & the Best Innovator Award, and an introductory session for the Best Creative Designer award, on 16th and 19th July 2021.

The third workshop will be an introductory session about the Best Team Player and the Best Employability Skills Achiever Awards (BESA Award).

The guest speaker will be Ms. Naduni Gunawardena, Assistant Lecturer of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, the Best  Team Player awardee, and BESA awardee of JESA 2019.

Date: 22nd July 2021.
Time: 6 pm

zoom link:- https://zoom.us/j/97251122789?pwd=c1lzOTZrUlZZU09CV2dPTEtuS0FTZz09
Meeting ID: 972 5112 2789
Passcode: 303753


22nd July 2021
6:00 pm