47th Convocation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

26th February 2022 - 28th February 2022
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47th Convocation of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held on 26th, 27th & 28th February 2022 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall for the conferment of degrees.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Faculty of Applied Sciences 

Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce  

Faculty of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Technology 

Faculty of Engineering


Other instructions
The name you have written on the convocation supplication form must be the same as the name that appears on the birth certificate.

In the original degree certificate, your name in Sinhala will be appeared as on your birth certificate and in English, it will be appeared as in the final results. {If there is any spelling correction in your name, please get it corrected before sending the supplication form}

Cloaks will be issued by the relevant Faculty two weeks prior to the graduation ceremony. The student identity card should be handed over to the Faculty office and the books obtained from the library should be returned before that date.


Administrative Coordinator
Academic, Student Affairs, Examinations & Publications


26th February 2022
28th February 2022
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University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Gangodawila, Nuegoda


BMICH, Colombo 07
Bauddhaloka Mawatha
Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
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