Application forms could be obtained from the Department of Marketing Management after making a payment of Rs.200.00 in favor of, Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce, A/C No. 097100140002229 (People’s bank – Gangodawila) or application forms and vouchers can be downloaded from the website:
(Those who download the application should attach the Rs.200.00 voucher along with the application)
An interview will be conducted to select suitable candidates after the closing date of applications.
Completed application should be sent by post or hand delivered to the following address on or before Extended Deadline 27th January 2019.
Postal Address:
The Coordinator,
Diploma in Marketing Management,
Department of Marketing Management,
University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
For further information:
Department of Marketing Management – 0112802009
Co-ordinator – Ms.Sachithra Somasiri – 0772306267