Eight Chemistry Special Degree Students who graduated in year 2014 from the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Sri Jayewardenepura have found placements for their PhD studies. Left to right: Ms. N.P Madhavi (University of Utah) , Ms. H.D.W.V Karunaratne (University of Iowa), Ms. M.T.K Kolambage (Clemson University), Mr. C.J Narangoda (Clemson University), Mr. T.N Senapathi...Read More
Farewell Speech delivered by Prof. Swarna Piyasiri, Senior Professor of Zoology and Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Workshop on “Present and Future Prospects of Faculty of Applied Sciences” and appreciation Dinner for retired Professors of Science Faculty Good evening to all of you Vice chancellor, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences Our colleagues retiring...Read More
A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING was signed between the Waste Management Authority of Western Province, Sri Lanka, and the Center for Sustainability of Department of Forestry and Enviornment Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura to provide Technical Assistance for Monitoring and Mitigation of Environmental Pollution of Karadiyana Controlled Dump at Thumbovila. The Agreement was signed on 20th...Read More
“Sri Lanka is an oasis. In the future, greater number of the world population will follow this country’s method because every other country will be in disaster without an effective sustainable mechanism. Your method of sustainability will be the key for the future” said Prof. Peter Timmerman of Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada at...Read More
Smooth functioning of the brain is vital for a healthy life. Millions of people around the world are affected by neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. It is estimated that 15% of the population in western countries are affected by one of these diseases. Despite many advances in the field of...Read More
Valedictory Lecture delivered by Prof. Dhammika A. Tantrigoda, Chair and Senior Professor of Physics on 19th March 2015 at Science Auditorium First of all I would like to thank the Physics Society for inviting me to deliver a valedictory lecture on the eve of my retirement from the position of Chair and Senior Professor...Read More
Eight academics from the Faculty of Applied sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was awarded with Presidential and NRC Merit Awards for Scientific Publication. This is selected by the National Research Council (NRC) of Sri Lanka and it is considered as the most prestigious award for a research publication in Sri Lanka President’s Awards for Scientific...Read More
Workshop on Modernization of the Physics Curriculum of University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held at KITHUL KANDA – on 28 February 2015. Prof D A Tantrigoda, Dr P Geekiyanagae, Head Department of Physics and other members of the Department particiapted this event. Madhuranga FernandoRead More
The application closing date of the M.Sc. Degree Program in Computer Science 2015/2016 has been extended to 15th March, 2015. Those who have already responded do not need to reapply. For more details visit http://www.dscs.sjp.ac.lk/?p=504Read More