
faculty of applied sciences
Orientation Programme for the new students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences was held on 12th January 2015. The Vice Chancellor Prof. Sampath Amaratunge and the Dean, Prof. Sudantha Liyanage were address the students and members of the staff, students and their parents were participated the event. Overall Objectives of the Orientation Programme Make the...
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Refurbishment of Soratha  Mawatha and  University Entrances is one of the key projects in the Township Development Programme of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The Project intends to give an aesthetic and structural face-lift to the Soratha Mawatha and main entrances to the university introducing a number of essential modern provisions as seen in a world...
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The symptoms of Dengue occur due to the increased leaking of fluid from capillaries, which if severe can lead to shock. The researchers at the Centre for Dengue Research (CDR) have identified a potential mediator that causes such vascular leakage and are currently in the process of conducting a clinical trial to determine the efficacy...
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Selected students to follow Extended Degree Program in Faculty of Applied Sciences for 2015 Science Extended degree Student Selection 2015 Dr. Pahan Godakumbura
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Student Activities
On 15th December 2014, the Accounting and Financial Management Association (AFMA) comprising the student bodyof the Department of Accounting of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura proudly presented “RIDMA NADEE 2014”, the much awaited cultural extravaganza of the year, at the Bandaranaike Hall of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. It was a unique cultural event, the...
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Un-In-Alliance Poster session Judges Dr Pahan
The first symposium organized by Bachelors of Science (Honors) in applied science students of University of Sri Jayawardanapura Sri Lanka was successfully held on 5 January 2015 at the Biological Auditorium of Science Faculty. The main aim of this symposium was to create a bridge between the academia and the industry, and also to develop...
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අතිගෞරවනීය හික්කඩුවේ ශ්‍රී සුමංගල නාහිමියන්ගේ විද්‍යොදය  විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයීය අභිමානවත් පරපුර ගංගාරාමයේ පොඩි හාමුදුරුවෝ නමැති කෘතිය එළි දක්වන අවස්ථාවේ දී උප කුලපති මහාචාර්ය සම්පත් අමරතුංග මහතා විසින් පවත්වන ලද විශේෂ දේශනයේ සාරාංශය. හික්ඩුවේ ශ්‍රී සුමංගල නා හිමියන්ගේ අපරිමිත පරිශ්‍රමයේ ප්‍රථිඵලයක් ලෙසට බිහිවූ ආනන්ද විද්‍යාලයෙනුත්, විද්‍යොදය සරසවියෙනුත් අකුරු කර ඒ මහා යථිවරයාණන්ගේ ගිහි පරපුරෙන් බිහිවූ මා එම සරසවියේ...
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Dr. Tony Sahama, of Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia visited University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 16th December 2014. As the coordinator of Joint/split PhD program between QUT, Australia and Sri Lanka, Dr. Sahama had discussions with Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Dr....
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The Japura Alumni Australia Inc. (JAAI) award scholarships on the basis of financial needs, academic success, and future plans of the applicants. These awards are open to undergraduates of all faculties of the university. Each scholarship which is valid for one academic year gives the scholarship holder the ability to concentrate on their studies better. Once a...
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The oath taking ceremony of the 8th Batch (2011/2012) of B.Sc. Nursing students was held at the Anatomy Auditorium, Faculty of Medical Sciences on 18th December 2014 from 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. The oath is taken by the nursing students in their 2nd year after successfully completing the theoretical and practical components of the...
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