University of Sri Jayewardenepura is blessed by its founders and former leaders in its rapid road to development and constant success, as the Vice Chancellor stated during the opening of the new computer center of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. He added that the improvements keep coming our way and the collective effort of the...Read More
The orientation programme of the Faculty of Applied Sciences for the academic year 2014/15 commenced on 4th January 2016. Students who were enrolled for courses for the coming years were welcomed by the faculty for this special programme which will continue till 9th January. Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof.Sudantha Liyanage, academic staff,...Read More
Sri Lankan scientists target brain disease market ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lankan scientists are seeking partnerships with foreign firms and research outfits to develop medicines using native herbs and plants to tackle neurological disorders, estimated to be a trillion dollar market. The potential to use natural products to treat or delay the onset of neurological degenerative...Read More
The first year students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences studying English at the English Language Teaching Unit, held their English Day on 14th December 2015 at the Bandaranaike Auditorium. The Dean of the Faculty Mr.Lasantha Nawaratne was the chief guest. Organized by the Englidh Language society of the same year, the English...Read More
The commencement of year 2016 took a festive turn at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The university community gathered to give a traditional welcome to the new year, with boiling milk amidst chanting of pirith by the reverend sangha. Wishes of success, glory and progress for all !Read More
The Senate of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Management Studies, conferred Senior Professor HHDNP Opatha of the Department of Human Resource Management of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the USJ with the Degree of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) at the...Read More
The Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts organized a seminar and workshop on Hindi language studies titled “Sri Lanka Mei Hindi Ki Dasha Evam Disha” on the 29th December. The event took place at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Board room. A number of Indian academics participated at the seminar as...Read More
Dr. Ravindra de Silva joined University of Sri Jayawardenapura after having served for 14 years at a Japanese university. After obtaining his doctorate, Dr. de Silva initiated his career at Toyota as a research fellow, and then finally becoming an assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology. He carried out research in diversified areas of...Read More
Vol 5, No 2 (2015) of Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment JTFE has been published. JTFE is a peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research articles in forestry, environmental sciences and natural resource management relevant to tropical regions. This is a semiannual journal published by the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University...Read More