This Trial Access period continuous from 16th of May to 30th of May 2016. Please go to E-Resources and Resources with Limited Period Access for more information. You can access to Web of Science(TM) Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded® 1996-present Social Sciences Citation Index® 1996-present Arts & Humanities Citation Index® 1996-present Link to the Library Web Read More
The University of Moratuwa International Shuttlers’ Fest 2016 (UMiSF) is an annual event organized by the badminton team of the University of Moratuwa in collaboration with the university’s division of physical education. This event is structured with the intention of developing shuttling skills among undergraduates and school children. This event has gotten bigger and better...Read More
The Career Skills Development society guided by the Career Guidance Unit of Japura launched its initiative to “Donate Happiness” for the 3rd consecutive time on the 18th May 2016. This time around they decided to contribute towards purchasing a PET scan machine along with other essential items to the National Cancer Hospital, Maharagama. The word...Read More
The Colors night of the University was held with much glamour, excitement and enjoyment on the 19th May 2016 at the Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo awarding the exemplary sports men and women of Japura. The chief guest for the evening was Prof. Sampath Amaratunga, Vice Chancellor of the University. This year’s event recognized 318 Color’s holders...Read More
The Annual General Meeting of the Department of Forestry and Environmental science was held on the 17th May 2016 at the Faculty of Applied Sciences bringing together many past and present members to celebrate and evaluate the progress and decipher the ways and means of going and growing further. While the outgoing committee was congratulated...Read More
The representatives of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) had a discussion with SJP on 17th May, 2016 at the university premises for future university greening projects. Organized by the Department of Accounting (DA) of FMSC, the discussion provided an opportunity for UNEP and UNITAR...Read More
Professor Ali Parsa, Dean of the Faculty of Real Estate and Land Management, Royal Agricultural University, United Kingdom visited the department of Estate Management and Valuation during 04- 06 May 2016 to evaluate the B.Sc. Estate Management and Valuation Degree programme (EMV Degree) as an external examiner. This is a mandatory evaluation as per the...Read More
“When an egg is pressurized from the outside, it breaks and marks the end of a life. However when an egg is pressurized from the inside, it breaks and life begins. Similarly all great things begin from within the individual.” Rohan Pallewatta, CEO of Lanka Harness who provides airbags and seatbelts for companies with high...Read More