Get your Library Clearance Certificate from the library inquiry desk on or before 11th of July 2016. The inquiry desk will be opened from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm including weekends. Contact 011-2758526 for more information. More
Sky Café, the current talk of the town is located on the fourth floor of the latest addition to the Science faculty, the East Wing. It was ceremonially opened on 7th July 2016 by the Vice Chancellor of the University together with faculty staff and students. Sky Café the first of it’s kind, built...Read More
Rajagala Monastery complex has been identified as one of the three distinctive types of monasteries build during the early Anuradhapura period. It has been identified as the best preserved meditation forest monastery in the region which is yet to be archeologically conserved. After the completion of the civil war in 2009, department of archaeology...Read More
The University is in the process of issuing your original degree certificate at the Convocation itself to be held on 02nd & 03rd August, 2016 at the BMICH. Therefore, all the graduands are hereby informed to return the University Identity Card and the Library Books to the University.Read More
Prof. Rohan Samarajeewa, Former Director General of Telecommunications in Sri Lanka, Mr. Anuruddha Pradeep Karnasuriya, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Prof Narada Warnasuriya, Former Vice Chancellor University of Sri Jayewardenepura joined for a dialogue on Private and State Universities at the recently held International Industrial Mathematics Conference 2016, organized...Read More
15-day trial for Thieme’s Medical and Chemistry Journals Database is available from today (1st July 2016) via the university IP . The Home page URL is and it is linked to the Library website. Please note that the Thieme E-Journals Designed for the academic needs in the Medical and Chemistry fields and it offers the institutional access...Read More
Ceremonial Induction of New Dean, FHSS Dr. D.P.S. Chandrakumara was appointed as the new Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenpura by the Council of the University. He assumed duties on 2016.07.01 at Ceremonial Induction at 8.00 a.m. at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Dr. Chandrakumara graduated from...Read More
A workshop was held recently for the Post Graduate students currently undertaking their research in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. This workshop enlightened the participants of research methodologies, using library facilities, presenting the research paper and other constructive information which was believed to assist them in their challenging task ahead. This successful workshop...Read More
The university signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the CISI recently joining in CISI’s worldwide network of partner universities. This partnership aimed at promoting industry-recognized professional qualifications helping students to thus distinguish themselves in the competitive graduate market. The faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the university is known to be a hub of...Read More