Special clinic has been organised to be held on 22nd Thursday 2017 in order to issue new identity card for admittance to the Santhagaraya. Committee Members of the “Santhagaraya” Senior Common Room of the University, invite academics to participate and acquire their access on the mentioned day. Membership Applications can be download via : Santhagaraya...Read More
Cricket Team of University of Sri Jayewardenepura wins the cricket championship at the 2017 Inter-University Games held at the University of Colombo ground. Congratulations to all stupendous athletes of Japura who contributed towards this journey of victory in Inter-University Games 2017. Members of Japura Cricket Team Vimukthi Deshappriya (coach) Nuwan Niroshana (captain) Tharindu Karunarathne (vice...Read More
Annual Poson Dharma Deshanawa 2017, organized by the library staff welfare society was held on 15th of June 2017 at 9.00am at the Main Library Premises. Ven. Prof. Medagoda Abhayathissa thero, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura conducted the event. Read More
Opening ceremony of newly built Senior Common Room of academic staff “Santhagaraya” was held on 14th June 2017. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University graced the event as the chief guest. It is functions as a staff social club and welfare society of the university of Sri Jayewardenepura. The membership currently includes over...Read More
The University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers its heartiest congratulations to Mr. J.C. Weliamuna, P.C. Member of the Council, University of Sri Jayewardenepura on his appointment as President’s Counsel on 28th April 2017 in recognition of his professional integrity and diligence. Prof. Sampath Amaratune, Vice chancellor of the University, members of the Council, academic Staff, non-academic staff...Read More
Two day workshop on Assuring Quality, improving visibility of research and counselling services of Faculty of Applied Sciences organised by the Staff development committee in collaboration with the Staff Development Centre of University of Sri jayewardenepura was held on 7th and 8th June 2017 at Hikkatranz hotel, Hikkaduwa.Read More
Inauguration of the short course on “Research Methodology and Scientific Writing” was held on 6th June 2017 at Seminar Room 1 of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University graced the event as the chief guest. Welcome address and Introduction to the program was delivered by Prof. Hemanthi Ranasinghe,...Read More
Inauguration ceremony of Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation was held on Sunday, 4th June 2017 at Seminar Rom 1, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Hemanthi Ranasinghe, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and many academic members graced the event.Read More
Annual inter department Bakthi Gee competition organized by the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, was held on 6th June 2016. It was a function that brought together all Departments of the Faculty under one roof to perform and be a part of an evening full of devotional tranquility. Coordination of this event is by...Read More
A Nursing Faculty affiliated with the Sri Jayewardenepura University will be established at a cost of 200 million rupees, Hon. Minister of Health Nutrition, and Indigenous Medicine Dr. Rajith Senaratne has said. He also stated the foundation stone will be laid for the new faculty at the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital premises next month. The Minister...Read More