Staff members of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura established Sports Activity Club. It was initiated focusing on enhancing the physical activity and relations among academics in various Faculties and Departments in the University. Already established “Cricket Team” of the University organized friendly cricket match with Kalubowilla Hospital Team and was taken place on 10th December 2017....Read More
INCEPTION 2018 annual career fair, organized by Marketing Management Association of the Department of Marketing Management in the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce was held on 12th January 2018. This was a great opportunity for marketing undergraduates who are looking for internships as the starting point to their career. Further, as a part of this...Read More
Newly build Mindfulness Based Research Room at the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was opened at a auspicious time on 11th January 2018 by Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Prof. D. P. S. Chandrakumara, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,...Read More
Faculty of Engineering in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura organized special event for introduce its Departments to the undergraduates. Introductory sessions were taken place on, Degree Programmes and Courses Units offered by each Department (Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Interdisciplinary...Read More
Dr. S. M. Amarasena Senior Lecturer in the Department of Decision Science in the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce was newly appointed as the Director of the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 10th January 2018. Dr. S. M. Amarasena assumed duties amidst invoking blessings by the Maha Sangha at the...Read More
As a part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Center for Advanced Material Research (CAMR), University of Sri Jayewardenepura and John Keells Holdings PLC to support John Keells Group in their efforts towards being a catalyst in significantly reducing plastic pollution in Sri Lanka, a Plasticcycle pledge day was held on 11th of January 2018 at the Science Auditorium...Read More
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce organized a guest lecture focusing on its undergraduates on “Motivational Speech”. It was conducted by Mr. K. A. Priyantha Perera, General Manager, Toyota Lanka (Pvt.) Limited on 10th January at the Fayol Hall in the Soratha Building. Several academic members of the faculty including, Dr. Sudath Manjula Amarasena Senior Lecturer...Read More
“Shadows of Success” is a novel initiative of the Career Skills Development Society of the Career Guidance Unit of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This programme involves a series of workshops that would feature noteworthy personalities of the country – who have thrived as professionals in their respective fields, gaining much respect and admiration. This programme aims to...Read More
Guest lecture on “CV Preparation and Interview Facing” was conducted by Mrs. Sachithra Ransinghe on 27th December 2017 at the Taylor Hall of the FMSC. Lecture Series was organized concurrently to the INCEPTION 2018 – Annual Career Fair, by Marketing Management Association of the Department of Marketing Management in the Faculty of Management and Commerce.Read More
The “Vibes of Marketing 2018” organized by the Marketing Management Association of University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held successfully on 04th January 2018 at University ground as a outdoor show. This is an iconic event of the Department and the University as it is the first ever talent show organized by a single Department in Sri...Read More