Team of officials of the Ministry of Higher Education visited the Management Faculty of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura recently. The Faculty of Management carries faculty with the highest student population of Sri Lanka. Academic excellence achieved by the faculty with minimum resources was highlighted by both the students and the staff. A one-year compulsory...Read More
KPMG Professor in Accounting The Department of Accounting appointed Prof. Stefan Schaltegger for the post of Endowed KPMG Professor in Accounting of the Department of Accounting during his stay in Sri Lanka alongside the EMAN Global Conference 2015. He completed the following activities under this post. Served as the Keynote Speaker of the EMAN Global...Read More
The academic exchange program between Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, JAPAN and Department of Public Administration, USJ, Sri Lanka: Pre-MoU workshop A pre-MoU workshop was conducted by the Department of Public Administration, University of Sri Jayewardenepura in collaboration with the Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University in Japan on 19th...Read More
HR Scintilla Night 2014 was organized by the Human Resource Department of Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce, as an award ceremony for outstanding lecturers and best performed HR Managers born from mother J’Pura and as well as a talent show which encompasses singing, dancing skills of Family HR. Photographed by #Tharanga_Sampath_Karunarathne. of Japura FlamesRead More
A group of academics from the department of Management of Monash University in Australia visited University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ) on 08th December, 2014. The group consisted of Professor Julie Wolfram Cox, Head of the Department; Professor Cherrie Zhu; Associate Professor Deirdre O’ Neill; Associate Professor Ramanie Samarathunge; Dr. Michelle Greenwood, and Dr. lakmal Abeysekara....Read More