The Senate of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Management Studies, conferred Senior Professor HHDNP Opatha of the Department of Human Resource Management of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the USJ with the Degree of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) at the...Read More
Senior Professor HHDNP Opatha has written and published a new book titled Organizational Behaviour: the human side of work which is another mammoth and herculean work, single handedly. It is the first Sri Lankan English Medium textbook on Organizational Behaviour (OB) published in 2015 having A4 size 672 pages and 14 chapters providing a systematic...Read More
Sri Lanka Economics Research Conference was held on the 20th and 21st of November 2015 at the Hotel Janaki, Colombo 05. A timely theme was set for the conference; “Inclusive Growth towards Economic Transformation”. The two day conference began with an Inauguration Ceremony graced by Prof. P.S.M. Gunaratne; Vice Chairman of the University grants Commission, Prof....Read More
The B.Sc. Estate Management and Valuation (Special) Degree Programme offered by the USJP is the first land base higher education programme in Sri Lanka specialized in Real Estate Management and Valuation and it has a proud history since 1973. The first National Symposium organized by the Department (DEMV) under the theme of “Contribution of Real...Read More
The 12th International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) 2015, an annual research conference organised by the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, concluded on a high note, providing a great platform for researchers, educators, learners, academics, practitioners and policymakers both in the local and international arena to share knowledge among each...Read More
The book titled “Enhancing Your Personal Q” written by Senior Prof. H.H.D.N.P. Opatha of USJ (as the main author) and Associate Prof. Lim Kong Teong of University Utara Malaysia was selected as the Best Book under The General/Common Book (Motivational) Category of the National Book Award 2015 awarded by the National Book Development Foundation,...Read More
Prof.R.L.S.Fernando, Head of the Department of Public Administration,was recently instated as the Secretary General of Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG). She has had a long term association with the network and has worked dedicatedly through out which has earned her this recognition. NAPSIPAG is a cooperative body with...Read More
Dr.W.G.S.Kelum and Dr R. Ajward, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce participated and present joint research paper at the 13thInternational Management Accountant Conference, at Burburn, Muree, Pakistan on 30th -31st October 2015. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan inaugurated this conference.Read More
Dr. Wasantha Perera was awarded “The Best Research Student Award in 2015”by the Victoria University in Australia. The award was officially announced and presented by the College of Business at the Victoria University Award Ceremony in August 2015. This award is in recognition of outstanding achievement to him for excellence in Higher Degree Research (Doctor...Read More
As a pioneer department of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, by understanding the current ground realities and the expectations of the corporate sector, as well as the nation, the Department of Marketing Management of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce created a smooth platform in order to fill up the unfilled gaps of the Sri Lankan...Read More