Guest lecture series organized concurrently to the INCEPTION 2018 – Annual Career Fair, by Marketing Management Association of Department of Marketing Management in the Faculty of Management and Commerce was held on 21st December at the Taylor Hall of the FMSC. Gust Lecture was conducted by Mr. Dilshan Perera. Dr. K. P. Lalith Chandralal, Head of the Department...Read More
Guest lecture series organized concurrently to the INCEPTION 2018 – Annual Career Fair, by Marketing Management Association of Department of Marketing Management in the Faculty of Management and Commerce was held on 19th December at Taylor Hall of the Faculty. Gust Lecture was conducted by Mr. Niranjan Perera focusing on the areas such as CV preparation, interview facing,...Read More
An orientation programme for the new intake of the Bachelor of Science Business Administration (General) External Degree Programme – 2017, conducted by the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 16th November 2017 at the main hall of the Faculty of Management studies and Commerce. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice...Read More
University Investment Day 2017 organized by the Department of Finance opened a platform for youth to connect with some of Sri Lanka’s authoritative institutions of Finance such as SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka), CSE (Colombo Stock Exchange). Professor Sampath Amaratunge who was present at the event said that he was pleased that...Read More
“Globalization is a concept of high competition; however is competition the way forward in terms of welfare? We promote students to work towards profit; however we have not ignored welfare. There should be fine balance between everything and this is what we need harvest in ourselves as we move forward,” Professor Sampath Amaratunge, the Vice...Read More
Department of Accounting of Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce extended their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a second term of three years with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), United Kingdom (UK on Thursday, 30th November 2017 at the premises of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The ACCA, founded in 1904 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1974, is the...Read More
Dr. Anura Kumara, Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura has mentioned the aspiration of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to become an ‘Entrepreneurial University” with his interview to Sunday Observer on 03rd December 2017. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ) is setting sights on transforming itself into an entrepreneurial university...Read More
The Grand Finale of RADIX 2017, the first-ever inter-university dancing competition for management undergraduates organized by the Business Economics Students’ Association (BIZCON) was held on 16th November 2017 from 6.00 pm onwards at the Bandaranayake Hall, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The event was overwhelming with the brilliant performances of six finalists namely Temptation, Ritmo Sevens and Phoenix...Read More
The first student conference in Finance organized by the Department of Finance was held at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, on the 24th of November 2017. Conducting a research study as part of their degree program is not compulsory for finance students under the present curriculum. Consequently, many students tend to take practical...Read More
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce organized a special seminar series for its undergraduates with the purpose of developing their skills, capabilities and attitudes. The 5th programme of the seminar series was held on 22nd November 2017 at the Fayol Hall of the Sri Soratha Building. Resource person of the Seminar was, Mr. Mahendra Jayasekara, Managing Director...Read More