The Certificate course on “Introduction to the Process of Management” is an initiative of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, to develop the knowledge and skills of the students of the faculty in terms of Management and Commerce. The first batch of students who took part in this programme were recognized and awarded on...Read More
“Metae 2016” economic week organized by Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences in order to share economic knowledge among G.C.E. Advanced Level students and undergraduates,will be held from 15th November 2016 to 18th November 2016. The major objective of this event was to bring together a cohort of Economics students in order to...Read More
Parallel to the launching of “Waadiya” novel written by Asha Relapanawa Tutor, Department of Sinhala & Mass Communication, an intellectual dialogue on “Culture of Nuwarakalawiya” was held on 01 November 2016 at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This Dialogue on Literary Arts was organized by Amadyapa Youth Organization, Cultural center and by Sinhala and Mass communication...Read More
5th Asian Primate Symposium which was jointly organized by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University was held from 18th to 20th October 2016 at the Mount Lavinia Hotel. The symposium was locally chaired by Prof. Charmalie Nahallage and International organizing co chairs were Profs. Michael...Read More
The Department of History and Archeology in collaboration with the University of Dekan has come together towards paving the way to provide training for 25 third year undergraduates specializing in History and Archeology at the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Japura. This training is scheduled to begin on the 15th October 2016 spanning...Read More
Professional Skill Development Program organized by the Faculty of Economics Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura for teachers in G.C.E Advance Level Economics was held on 07.10.2016 and 08.10.2016 at Professor Thilakaratne Memorial International Conference Hall, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.Read More
In response to the invitation of the U.S. Embassy Colombo, the Department of Archaeology of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura submitted a project proposal for the Comprehensive Documentation of Historic Buildings within the World Heritage Site of the Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications. The main objective of the project is to document the...Read More
“Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarship Awarding 2016” organized by Student Welfare and Counseling Center, was held on 2016.09.29 at faculty meeting hall and the occasion was headed by the Dr. D. P. S. Chandrakumara, Dean of the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Read More
The orientation programme which was organized for the student who have been registered for the external degree programme in Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences (General) was held on 25th September 2016 at Faculty of Applied Scioences, University of Sri Jayewaqrdenepura with the participation of Vice Chancellor Prof. Sampath Amaratunge and academic staff members. Prior...Read More
The concept of an audio-book is most certainly not the most unheard of; however, it does remain to be a domain untouched by many in Sri Lanka since producing such material requires a certain level of proficiency and resources while it also acquires a considerable amount of time. Taking up this challenge in sailing against...Read More