Sustainability Plan of University of Sri Jayawardenapura towards a Green University

pathway to faculty of applied sciences university of sri jayewardenepura

Green Pulse Pledge: University of Sri Jayewardenepura

As a proud member of this reputable university, I pledge wholeheartedly to do my utmost to help mitigate the Environmental impact of University of Sri Jayewardenepura. I will strive to minimise the ecological consequences of my decisions and actions; fulfil my responsibilities as a Sustainability Champion of University’s ; be a role model to my fellow co-workers; and use the knowledge gained to improve and promote sustainability within the communities in which I live and work. I promise to lead, take part in, and/or support all initiatives of University in our journey towards becoming the leader in environmentally responsible Citizen that will be an inspiration to the people of our great nation.

Sustainability Plan of University of Sri Jayawardenapura towards a Green University

Step 0

Declaration of the Program to become a Sustainable University. To be done on the International Environment Day on June 5th 2016.

Step 1

Knowing where we are

  • Conducting an Energy Audit to assess energy use in different departments and hostels
  • Conducting a water audit to assess water use in different departments and hostels
  • Conducting a paper waste audit to quantify total wastepaper generation
  • Calculation of carbon footprint
  • Estimation of total food waste ( with variations during vacations)
  • Key environment related activities taking place by different departments

(Eg Pilot project on solid waste quantification in Management faculty)

Step 2

Developing  a Sustainability Plan

  • Preparing an Energy Management plan for reducing energy bill by 20% (to be decided)
  • Preparing a water management plan to reduce water consumption by 10%
  • Development of a collection system to collect waste paper and plan for a recycling plant with the assistance of a private partner ( Fund to be requested from a foreign embassy or Pilisaru project of CEA)
  • Develop a Carbon Management Plan
  • Design a bio gas plant for managing food wastes and other bio degradable waste
  • Develop a Control mechanism for use of plastic and polythene and a collection system for used polythene and plastics
  • Develop a plan for substitution of asbestos from roofing and partitions
  • Develop a green procurement scheme for selected products procurement.


Step 3

Implementation of Projects for Sustainability

  • Replacement of all street lights and garden lights with solar operated lighting
  • Purchase / construction of a biogas plant and commissioning within the university
  • Agreement with a private party for starting a paper recycling plant ( inside the uni premises?)
  • Replacement of all filament lamps and fluorescent tubes with CFL/LED light fittings
  • Handing over all fused fluorescent light fittings to Asia  Recycling for Mercury recovery
  • Establishment of a Electronic Waste collection station (Kiosk for old mobile phones, mobile phone batteries, calculators,
  • Switch to environmentally friendly chemicals for all cleaning applications?
  • Make future procurements from environmentally friendly products (all air conditioners can be solar or solar assisted, computers with energy star label, lights with energy label etc)

Step 4

Capacity Building and Dissemination

  • A basic awareness on environment protection to all new students entering the university
  • A e news letter to all academic and nonacademic staff and students ?
  • Installation of digital display boards at key points and play short sustainability videos and messages)
  • Short awareness courses on sustainability for all students in the university
  • A monthly guest lecture on sustainability by an invited external guest lecturer ( include internal too?)
  • A poster/ essay/ songs competition , among students on sustainability theme and awards to winners. A separate section for non academics too to participate in the competition?
  • Articles and Short booklets to be written by undergraduate/Masters students for review by a panel and publishing ( Subjects: 3R, Climate Change, Food wastes, Changing Our life styles, Do not throw it, Circular economy, etc)
  • Selected CSR work with the neighborhood ( To be developed)

Read more on: Steps towards a Green University

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