A workshop on “How to improve your web visibility and university ranking” was conducted for academic staff of Medical Faculty of University of Sri Jayewardenepura by Prof Hiran Amarasekera, Leader of the Digital Team on 13 May 2015 at the Medical Faculty Computer Center. About 60 acecmics particpated this workshop. Contents of the Workshop – Creating Google Scholar Profiles – Jayewardenepura Websites University sites University www.sjp.ac.lk Research – www.sjp.ac.lk/research Staff...Read More
Dr. Dhammika Jayawardena’s research paper entitled ‘HRM as a “Web of Texts”: (re)articulating the identity of HRM in Sri Lanka’s localized global apparel industry” appeared in Organization Management Journal Vol. 11, NO.4 was awarded the 2014 outstanding research article award by the Eastern Academy of Management Philadelphia, USA. The Award was officially announced at the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, May 6 – 9, 201S, and was presented in front of the...Read More
You can now listen to Test Transmission of the Online Radio of Unveristy of Sri Jayewardeneprua at http://www.sjp.ac.lk/radiojapura/ [sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_large” align=”sws_btn_align_center” href=”http://www.sjp.ac.lk/radiojapura/” label=”Listen Radio Japura” template=”sws_btn_redbrick” textcolor=”” fontweight=”normal” bgcolor=”” bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow” btnwidth=”” textalign=”center”] [/sws_button] This Radio channel is conducted by the Media and Aesthetic Society (MAAS). Please send your comments on this Test tranmssion to Hiranya (071-0174462), Sineka (071-0853888) of MASS.Read More
The 41st Annual Colours Awarding Ceremony of the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, “J’pura Warna 2014” was held on 5th May 2015 at Galadari Hotel. This was Organized by Sports Council, University of Sri Jayewadenepura. Photo and News: J’pura FlamesRead More
2nd Biennial International Symposium 2015 on Polymer Science & Technology In Collaboration with Industries, Institutes & Universities (IIUPST 2015) The 2nd Biennial International Symposium 2015 on Polymer Science & Technology in Collaboration with Industries, Institutes & Universities organized by the Department of Chemistry, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was successfully held on 3-4th April 2015 under the theme “Providing innovative solutions for a better tomorrow” . We are pleased to have...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.