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20th International Forestry and Environment Symposium
The 20th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2015 was held on 16th and 17th October at Club Hotel Dolphin, Wayikkal. This year’s theme was ‘Sharing knowledge towards a greener future’ and many local and foreign researchers presented their work based on the several key areas of research. The key research areas for 2015 were “Forest and Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity Conservation and Management, Waste Management and Pollution Control, Natural Resources:...
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University Investment Day 2015 The Department of Finance organized “University Investment Day 2015” on the 02nd October 2015 at the Fayol Hall of Soratha Building from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm. The main intention of the programme was to create awareness of the capital markets of Sri Lanka and to formulate an investment community not restricted to the university boundaries. The dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce,...
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Snehadara 2015 The Department of Finance embarked on the annual field study tour to Ihalagalagama, Belihuloya, Balangoda on 24th and 25th September 2015. As a part of the field trip we launched the annual CSR project “Snehadara” at Ihalagalagama Vidyalaya, Ihalagalagama, Balangoda on 24th September 2015. The project was launched by the 02nd year students of the Department of Finance with the assistance of the 03rd and 04th year students...
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Sip sayura 2015
It is the age of technology and everything in today’s society is based on computers. However, it is still a dream to many students in developing countries like ours to learn to use a computer. Realizing the importance of making the next generation of our youth tech-savvy, a few years back the Students’ Union of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura took the initiative to contribute...
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sahurda yathra 2015
‘Vidudaya Vidya Sahodarathwaya’ of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura donated a library to Vidyartha Maha Vidyalaya in Anuradhapura, to mark their annual community service ‘Sahurda Yathra’. The opening ceremony of the library facility was held on the 1st of October 2015. The project was done for the 9th consecutive time with the aim of lending help to underprivileged students. Kekirawa Thibbatuwewa Maha Vidyalaya has around 1500...
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