Degree Programs Offered Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Management Master of Business Administration (MBA) General and following specialization fields are available Human Resource Management Information Systems Operations Management Marketing Business Economics Accounting Finance More details about the course Lectures during Weekends Duration : 2 Years Medium : English Course Fee : Rs. 475,000/- Admission Requirements Applicants must have a good command of English language and one of the following qualifications: A four-year Bachelor’s...Read More
The new batch of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce were welcomed by the faculty on 25th January 2016. The orientation program for this batch also commenced on this day and will go on till the 30th January. Vice Chancellor Prof.Sampath Amaratunge, Faculty Deans, Registrar and the academic staff of the faculty were present at the the occasion. Vice Chancellors SpeechRead More
The new Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Prof.Hemanthi Ranasinghe assumed her duties with a vision sharing session, which was held at seminar room 1 of the FGS. The invitees of the event included Vice Chancellor Prof.Sampath Amaratunge, all faculty deans, academic and administrative staff, prominent academics from other universities and also special invitees from the industrial and government sectors. Read more: More
The University of Sri Jayewardenepura will entertain applications for the under mentioned posts from suitably qualified persons up to 08.02.2016. (1) FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES • Department of Social Statistics Post of Lecturer (Probationary) Post of Lecturer (Temporary) Academic Qualifications:- BA (Special) Degree in Social Statistics or Business Statistics with 1st Class or 2nd Class Upper. (2) FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES COMMERCE • Department of Commerce...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.