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This is with reference to your application for the aptitude test for the admission of students for the above study program. You are kindly requested to be present for a written and practical test to consider your suitability for the above study program. The written test will be held on 23.06.2016 from 09.30 a.m to 11.00 a.min the Sagra Hallof the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The practical test will be held in...
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The University of Sri Jayewardenepura will entertain applications for the under mentioned posts from suitably qualified persons up to 11.07.2016. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES Department of Language, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts Post of Lecturer (Probationary) in Sanskrit Preference will be given candidate with a Special Degree in Sanskrit. Post of Lecturer (Probationary) in Western Music Preference will be given candidates with a Special Degree in Arts (Music)...
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”ගීතාංජලී – 2016” බැති ගී සරණිය ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ මානව ශාස්ත්‍ර හා සමාජීය විද්‍යා පීඨයේ සියලූම අධ්‍යයනාංශයන්හී ශිෂ්‍ය ශිෂ්‍යාවන්ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් 2016.06.15 වන දින විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයීය සුමංගල මන්දිරයේ දී උපකුලපති මහාචාර්ය සම්පත් අමරතුංග මහතාගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් පැවැත්විණ. වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා පිවිසෙන්න :  
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The annual Bhakthi Gee competition is organized by one of the oldest departments of study in the university, which is the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies. It is done in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is a function that brings together all departments of the faculty under one roof to perform and be a part of an evening full of devotional tranquility. This occasion...
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Harshi Gunawardana, A PhD Student of the University of Sri Jayewrdenepura who has extensive knowledge in the field of Mine Risk Education recently spoke of managing the residual clearance while sharing certain tips on minimizing the risk of the Salawa explosion. Speaking to both the Daily Mirror and the Sunday Observer, Ms. Gunawadana pointed out that people should be on the lookout for ‘Unexploded Ordnance’ (UXO) which is “often extremely...
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