Parith Chanting ceremony organized by the Department of Accounting of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce was held at the Department premises on 15th February 2018. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dr. U. Aruna Kumara, Dean of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce as well as academic members of the Department of Accounting including Dr. A....Read More
Inauguration Ceremony of the leisure talk series “Coffee with Evening Leisure Talk” organized by the ‘Career Skills Development Society’ of the Career Guidance Unit in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 15th February 2018 at the Soratha Building Main Hall. Director of the Career Guidance unit; Dr. Sudath Manjula Amarasena, Career Advisors including Mr. Sameera Jayawardene, Mrs. Chathuranagani Thennakoon and several academic members of the University participated in the...Read More
‘ECON-INSIGHT 2018’ is a seminar series on Economics organized by the Student’s Association of Business Economics (BIZCON) of the Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce for the 2018 G.C.E. Advanced Level (A/L) candidates. This is organized with the aim of enhancing the knowledge on the subject among those candidates and also to fulfill social responsibility of the undergraduates of the department. The first seminar of the series was successfully...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.