This programme provides participants with an introduction to the management and analysis of quantitative data using an appropriate software package. The programme explores the nature of quantitative data, the relationship between quantitative analysis and theory building, and some of the major topic areas of statistical analysis. Knowledge of these allows for a more thorough understanding of others’ research, especially as reported in journals and government publications. In addition, these techniques...Read More
Application Procedure Fill the application online and submit or handover properly filled application with relevant photocopies of the certificates to the Deputy Registrar of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Pay the application fee of Rs. 1,000/- to account number 053010005899 from any People’s Bank branch. OR Pay online via Visa or MasterCard in LKR. After you have made the payment of application fee, upload the following documents to process your application OR Handover to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Color photograph (Passport size...Read More
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