P. D. S. Ashan Kumara, a second year Mechatronics student at the Department of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Technology has developed a prototype of an innovative Ventilator during this critical time of the COVID 19 pandemic. The new Ventilator designed by Ashan works on a pressure controlled respiration mode. This is a promising development for manufacturing ventilators locally. Industrial Development Board has agreed to help the student to further improve...Read More
All Internet Service Providers (ISPs) of Srl Lanka are providing free access to the University Hosted Web servers (including LMSs). That is, the connectivity to University web servers (including LMS) from your home and mobile Internet will not be counted towards your data packages (will be provided free of charge). Visit e-Learning Platforms of USJ: http://lms.sjp.ac.lk/ Learn more: https://www.sjp.ac.lk/news/usj-online-e-learning-resources-corona-virus-outbreak/Read More
Please contact CDR Laboratory,University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 0716604280 prior to sending samples to confirm availability of testing,timing etc. Please submit a request form with each sample with the following: a. Name of patient b. BHT no. C. Gender d. Ward number e. Hospital name f. Brief and relevant patient history g. Type of sample(sputum,NP swab, throat swab etc) h. Date and time of collection i. Name and signature of...Read More
As a result of the Covid-19 corona-virus outbreak, University is closed for academic activities. However, students are advised to continue to study at home. To facilitate online learning University offers following resources. LMS -Leaning Management System and University e-Learning websites Login to University LMS (Moodle Learning Management System) and download your lecture notes and assignments offered to you by your lecturer. Staff members and students who have not obtained your...Read More
University is closed for students as a preventive measure to control spreading of the Corona Virus. During this period, Jayewardnepura academics can now teach your students online using this tool. Zoom is a powerful tool that makes teaching an online class easy. It costs more than $14.99 per month, however it is provided free for state Universities by Lanka Education & Research Network (LEARN). Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.