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The State Literary Festival 2020 has awarded the Prize for the Best Translation (Novel) from Sinhala to English to Madhubhashini Disanayaka Ratnayake, for her work The Sowing Festival, the translation of Somaratne Balasuriya’s novel Wap Magula. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Language Teaching, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
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Extracting every possible detail of the spread and mitigation of COVID-19 is a timely requirement. Research team lead by Dr. Naleen Ganegoda of the Department of Mathematics proposed a mechanism to investigate frequency of enhancing PCR testing for Sri Lanka, as PCR testing is constrained by healthcare and socio-economic factors. “We investigated a mathematical model on timing of enhancing testing capacity of COVID-19 as a part of an MPhil research...
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The impact of coronavirus has created the most significant collapse of global education in history. The closure of schools and other learning institutes has impacted the vast majority of the students, especially in low and lower-middle-income countries like Sri Lanka. “Universities and schools should be reopened while maintaining proper precautions to avoid being a victim of the pandemic,” said  Dr. Udara Arachchige; Department of Civil and Environmental Technology, Faculty of...
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We are in 2021 now and things really have changed drastically but have it all changed according to what we used to imagine as kids? Do you remember thinking that there would be flying cars and you would have to start worrying about “air traffic” than your local day-to-day traffic on the road? Road traffic has indeed reduced these days but it is not because people are flying their way...
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The vaccination against COVID-19 for those who are below 30 years of age was commenced by the government. It has been assured that all the vaccines are equally effective. Therefore, the Vice Chancellor; Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage requests the staff, students, spouses of staff, children and siblings of staff in the age group 20 – 30 years of age to receive the available vaccine at the vaccination center nearest to...
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