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As part of Nestlé’s focus on homegrown innovation, its Nestlé Connect University Innovation Challenge has awarded three undergraduate teams out of 200 participants for their winning ideas in nutrition and sustainability. The competition was launched in late 2020 for undergraduates from four universities – University of Kelaniya, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Colombo and University of Moratuwa – to support and encourage innovative thinking among youth in these two...
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In commemoration of the opening of the first Technology Faculty of Sri Lanka, a commemorative stamp named, “Sri Lanka’s Flagship Faculty of Technology – University of Sri Jayewardenepura” was launched by the Department of Posts, Sri Lanka on 08th June 2020.  The 41mm x 30mm dimensioned stamp displays the full aerial view of the Faculty and symbolizes one of the glorious moments of the history of University of Sri Jayewardenepura....
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Among 13 Asian countries which are natural habitat for elephants, Sri Lanka is habitat for around 3000-4000 elephants which is 10% of Asian elephants km2 in an area of 65,610 km2 . Human elephant conflict in Sri Lanka costs the lives of 150 elephants and 50 – 70 people every year. The existing solution is electric fence only capable of mitigating human elephant conflict up to some extent due to...
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Researchers from Science, Management, Medical, Technology, Engineering and Graduate Studies Faculties published twenty research papers in Journals indexed by Elsevier Scopus during the last month. The web publishing team of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura acknowledges their contribution to upgrading the research standards of the University and expanding the knowledge base in the relevant subject areas. 1.Naleen Ganegoda – Department of Mathematics, FAS 2.  S.Keerthanan  , Meththika Vithanage –  Ecosphere Resilience Research Center, Faculty of Applied...
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The chief incumbent Thero of the Hikkaduwe Nalagasdeniye Nagarame temple, Shasthracharya Welivitiye Pragnajothi Nayaka Thero has passed away on 14th of September 2021. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura has maintained close ties with Hikkaduwe Nalagasdeniye Nagarame temple for a long period as it was the roots of the most Venerable Welivitiye Sri Soratha Thero and the most Venerable Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thero, the chief incumbent Thero was one of our...
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