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Moves’21, the first ever Inter-university Duet Dancing Competition, organized by the Association of Business Administration of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, was aimed at breaking through the monotonous virtual lifestyles while providing them with a platform to showcase their aesthetic skills . It was concluded successfully on 30th of October 2021. Hundreds of passionate individuals from state universities all across the island applied for...
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Blockchain has become a trending area, which is observed to be approaching many related fields. Blockchain has made its entrance through cryptocurrency for financial transactions, which has now diversified by making into applications in smart healthcare, transportation, and agriculture. Smart grids on the other hand are replacing less efficient, conventional, hierarchical electricity grids for maximizing benefits obtained from clean energy sources. The applicability of blockchain in realizing the future smart...
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The Department of Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers a free consulting service (SCS-USJ) to university researchers and industrial organizations*. Under the supervision of lecturers, final year B.Sc. Hons (Statistics) degree students provide assistance. You are encouraged to get-in-touch with SCS-USJ early in your research. Early engagement with a statistician can help you make the best decisions about design and methodology. It would be wise to talk to a consultant...
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Sri Lanka is a country which was once considered as the “granary of the ancient east”; today we try to win back this status by making a paradigm shift in agricultural practices. This sudden decision has become a central and controversial topic among the general public and “NANO” has become the buzz word. It’s unfortunate that we have to import advanced nano-fertilizer from India while our own scientists discovered the...
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As a state university committed to a better environment, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura recognizes the climate impact of its daily activities. The Center for Sustainability of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science is leading the way through its “USJ Carbon Zero” project to make the University of Sri Jayewardenepura the first Carbon Neutral University in South Asia. Accordingly, the university will voluntarily disclose its greenhouse gas emissions starting...
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