Undergraduates from the Department of Sports Science of Faculty of Applied Sciences of USJ win medals at 98th National Athletics Championships 2020 which is currently being held at the Sugathadasa Stadium from the 26th of December to the 29th of December. Ms. Amasha De Silva, 1st year undergraduate, Department of Sports Science of Faculty of...Read More
Applications are called for the Certificate course in Tourism (2021) conducts by the Department of Anthropology of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Application Deadline: 20th January 2021 Download Application PDF>> Download Application Doc>>Read More
“Ashinsana 2020” – Felicitation ceremony organized by the Alumni Association of USJ to felicitate Senior Professor Sampath Amaratunge and Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage was held on 15th of December 2020 at 4.30 pm at Senate Board Room of USJ. Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Ven. Dr. Ittapana Dhammalankara Maha Nayake Maha Thero, Honorable...Read More
2nd International Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage organized by the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, USJ was successfully held on 18th and 19th December 2020. This year’s conference was held under the theme of “Fostering Folklore Research: Enriching Global Citizens through Traditional Insights” as a virtual conference with the participation of the Chief Guest; Snr. Prof. Sudantha...Read More
Pasindu Hirushan, a first-year student of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of USJ who was severely injured due to an accident that took place at University premises has been awarded a scholarship by Hemas Holdings, on the invitation of honorable Minister of Education Prof. G.L. Peiris. Mr. Abhas Isufali, Group Director of Hemas...Read More
Calling Applications for C EBM/D EBM/AD EBM Courses 2020/21 Apply Online Applications are now being called for the Entrepreneurial Business Management Courses offered by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Unit (SMEDSU), Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce (FMSC), University of Sri Jayewardenepura. APPLY ONLINE: http://ext.mgt.sjp.ac.lk/newreg/index.php Courses Offered The following courses are...Read More
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA), organized annually by the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura is a forum to bring together academics and industry professionals engaged in multidisciplinary research & development to discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics in a multidisciplinary approach. This is an opportunity for them to share...Read More
The immune system is a complex network of processes involved in the maintenance of homeostasis by defending the body against microbial infections. Any child born with a severely defective immune system will soon die unless extraordinary measures are taken to isolate him or her from a host of infectious agents – bacterial, viral, fungal and...Read More